Chapter 20

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Zethora's POV

"So I heard from a little birdy that you have a date?"

I raise an unimpressed eyebrow at Macey. We are currently at her office which she made me come to give her a 'much needed break'. I am sitting here as she paces back and forth in her office looking at all the sketches she has hanging up on her board. I look over at Cass who gives a grinning smile. I roll my eyes realizing I've just been set up. I narrow my eyes at Cass who laughs making Macey laugh along with her.

"What? My brother has been grinning as if he just won the lottery. Wasn't hard to figure out." I huff and drop my head to the desk loudly. The both erupt with another round of laughter. "I'm sorry, but I'm excited!"

I lift my head up looking at her as she jumps in her spot making me want to giggle. I bite my lip not allowing the sounds to escape. I look at Macey who is looking back at her sketches. I look closely and notice some work out attire in a few of them so I get up to take a closer look. Macey comes to stand beside me.

"I made those for you my muse." I wrap my arm around her as she leans her head against my shoulder. I lay my head gently on top of hers. "I bet your sponsors really enjoy you walking around in outfits like this."

She points at my shirt and I raise an eyebrow and look down. I didn't think their was anything wrong with it. I am currently wearing jean shorts over my spanks and then a black sports bra with a blue shirt over with 'Be Disruptive' printed on it. I tug my shirt giving her a confused look. She gives me a deadpan look before she snorts and pinches the bottom of my shirt.

"Z, the message this says is I don't give a fuck." I grin like a Cheshire cat making Cass giggle softly behind us. "Alright so the message is spot on."

I step away from her and walk over to a few of the outfits she has hanging on a rack. My fingers tracing over the materials. I look back over to see Macey and Cass both point at the sketches and talking. I couldn't help the smile that creeps onto my lips thinking about Maddox.

He asked for my number before I left yesterday and we have been texting back and forth since then. He asked me out on a date which I was happy to oblige to. Practice this morning was more bearable because I was looking forward to seeing what he would say next.


I pull my phone out of my back pocket looking down at it with the screen lighting up with a new message. I smile unlocking my phone.

Maddox (1:11) Hey sweetheart, Did your practice go well?

I quickly reply to him before looking back up at the girls. They are both standing there with their arms crossed smirking at me. I just then notice that I am still smiling widely. I blush looking down.

"It's good to see he has an effect on you as well." Cass says with a teasing smile.


Maddox (1:14) I'm glad and I'm sorry bout my sister. I need to get back but I will message you when we wrap up.

I don't bother replying and stick the phone back in my jean shorts.

Maddox's POV


Z (1:12) It was great, I am currently with Macey and Cass. Their grilling me... about you.

I chuckle before replying to her before putting my phone back down. I couldn't stop smiling about her. We've practically been texting since she left yesterday. I feel like a high school boy waiting on his crush. It's fucking ridiculous how giddy I get when she replies.


I take a swig of water and walk back over to the coach who now has us kneel to talk to us. Tyler is closer to the front while I'm in the back by Luke. I look to my friend who is wiggling his eyebrows at me. I shove his shoulder making him fall over.

"Alright men! We are playing the Seahawks this weekend. We only have 3 more practices before then. We need to keep our heads focused on the goal." He pauses looking at each of us. "Don't forget that tomorrow is Open Field Day for your families to come visit. There will be food, games and other events. Make SURE your family members are all listed on the approve sheet before you leave today! We don't need any crazed fans finding their way in."

We all snort knowing he is referring to an incident that happened two years ago. A fan who slept with one of the linebackers came in on this day and started causing problems with his family making security get involved.

"That's it men, HIT THE SHOWERS!"

I look back up to see all the men standing up. Tyler doesn't even glance at me as he makes his way to the locker room.


I look at coach who waves me down to him. I walk over to him as he excuses the assistant coaches. He doesn't say anything as he steps onto the field. I walk in step beside him. I see him stop in the very center putting his hands on his hips. He still isn't looking at me.

"I have loved this sport since I was a kid. I loved knowing the rules, and learning the game forward and backwards. It has taught me a great deal in life... I wouldn't be the man I am with out it." He takes a deep breath exhaling slowly as he finally turns to me. "I have learned what is important and how to hold it dearly."

I keep looking at him trying to decipher what I am sure he is trying to make me understand. I have been with the team for years except I can't recall ever having a conversation like this one at any point through out the seasons. He looks at me directly waiting for a reply making me confused.

"Coach, wha-"

"I will only say this once and then I won't bring it up again." He pauses for a minute. "Your personal life is your business but if you hurt her, you don't want to know the consequences."

My eyes go wide realizing he is talking about Z. This was all about her. Why does everyone keep thinking I am going to hurt her?? I clench my fist and lock my jaw from saying anything out of line. I give him one swift nod.

"I don't think you would ever hurt her Kane but she... She means more to me than this sport does."

My head snaps back up hearing his confession. He loves her as a daughter. It's clear as day when I think about the interactions I have seen between them. I loosen my fist and feel my muscles relax.

"Coach, I care for her."

He nods his head patting me on the shoulder as he walks off leaving me standing there. I walk back over to my bag pulling out my phone automatically texting her.


Z (2:04) I am about to rescind my acceptance to your date if Macey doesn't shut the hell up.

I laugh while throwing my head back. She is feisty, God I love it. I text her back asking if she would like to be rescued. I sit down on the bench waiting for her reply.

Z (2:06) No, Macey is freaking out about finishing her lineup and I guess ragging on me is helping her relax. Your sister is also here so I am learning a great amount of details about you...

My laughter dies in my throat.


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