I was very tempted to punch his lights out, but I kept my emotions in check and really restrained myself from injuring Kai. The photo shoot was for the jacket and the hat that Mari had designed Gabriel had finally finished the rest of the outfit for the two of us while adding in a third for Kai's sake. I looked at the former male derby hat that had been redone to suit a female it made me miss Adrien a lot more than I could ever express with words or emotions. Why did everyone, but me, have to forget the second we left Ninjago airspace? It was unfair.

I started to remember all the good times that I had with Adrien and bitterly smiled wishing that he not Ari was here right now. I then blushed remembering that he was my first kiss before we went to Ninjago. Kai harumphed as he glared at me from across the way. I rolled my eyes as we continued with the shoot. I played the biker bad boy, Ari the gentle lady, and Kai the overly formal gentleman.  We were done by eight and I got home at eight thirty. Not five minutes later an alarm went out about escaped zoo animals, great.

After an hour of wrestling gorillas, caging tigers, and nearly getting mauled by the panthers we got all the animals back in their enclosures. Mind you I called in back-up in the form of Rena Rouge so I had a miraculous to take back to Master Fu afterwards. "Where are you two going?" Chatte asked

"Rena is about to de-transform" I said gueasturing to her miraculous  that showed that she only had two minutes left.

"So you get to know while we are left in the dark what are we to you if you can't trust us" Ladybug retorted

"What else are you hiding from us?" Chatte added

"Um sorry but we got to go" Rena said pointing to her miraculous

"I'll tell you both later but for now just accept that this is the way things are and that it's hurting me not telling you what is going on but when the time is right you'll know" I told them both before running off with Rena

"I hate secrets" Chatte said

"I hear you" Ladybug grumbled

After getting Trixx back from Alya I ran for Master Fu's place to return the miraculous as Lloyd. "You know if you want to make it intime for the movie you should go the exact same way as Alya" Gong advised

"We'll just have to miss the ads like last time then" I told Gong

I returned the Fox to master Fu. "Perfect. Now come and tell me what is bothering you Lloyd" Fu said once the Fox was safely stored away

"W-w-what?" I sputtered

Fu gave me a knowing look like my Uncle Wu would. I followed him into a different area of the building. "Hold on" Fu said stopping Gong and Wayzz from following us.

"Oh master please" The two cutely begged

"Kwamiis must never know the recipes for modifying there powers what if one of you was to get captured like Hawkmoth's kwamii Noroo." Fu said scaring the two into the gramaphone.

"Whoa wait hold up modify their powers?"I asked as he closed the door

"What's on your mind" Fu asked

"Ladybug and Chatte are asking more and more questions and are tired of being left in the dark." I said picking up a few bottles that had fallen on the floor.

"Tell me Lloyd do you put the noodles in before or after the water boils?" Fu asked

"After is plain logic" I said

"And just like this logic Ladybug and Chatte will know when the time is right and not a moment sooner" Fu said as he poured many crushed and ground items into a pot.

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