Chapter 17

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My heart beats rapidly of the thought of being chased. I exhale, trying to control my breathing. I hear the silent duns of my feet touching the ground as I run. My feet move so quick that the surrounding gets blurry. I speed forward between buildings at the far end of Jaxonrose, where the abandon factories are placed.

I hear how they approach, meter by meter. Coming closer and closer.
I imagine the way they are baring their sharp teeth as they run to catch up to me. How their disgusting fur bends in the downwinds direction and their ears pointing forward. I am their prey, their rival, and they haunt me because after all; it is war.

When I know that I'm out of sight of the residents, I stop to meet them.
I'm standing in the end of a long alley, they are rushing towards me and barking furiously.

In one minute to the other, two of the three wolfs attack me. They press me down to the ground and I scream at the top of my lungs of pain as their claws push through my skin. I hold my hand up and pull out the heart of the werewolf standing over me. With the, now not beating, heart in my bloody hand the wolf falls to the ground.

An incredible pain radiates through my whole body - the gray wolf keeps a firm bite on my leg. It presses its teeth all the way to the bone.
My body shakes from the suffering wound and I kick the wolf of me so hard in the side that it flies into the brick wall, breaks its neck and spine.

The last werewolf stands two meters away, looking at me with its scary yellow eyes and growling fiercely.
I pull my hand to the pocket inside my black blue blazer, ... the gun isn't there. Did I forget to bring it or accidently drop it?

When I'm not prepared it goes to attack. It tears up a deep scar in my stomach and I'm close to collapsing.
When it jumps at me I grab it's heart in the speed and all the sudden it's dead.

I look around me, there's blood everywhere and two hearts. The bodies of three werewolves lies at the ground, lifeless.
I don't have power or energy enough to move the them, so I will have to ask someone else to take care of it later.


I start walking in the alley, I feel weak and hurt. My vision gets dizzy - it's probably a consequence of the blood loss. I stick to the brick wall and let it lead me out of there.
I push out my right fang and bite myself in the arm, all the wounds starts the procession of healing.

"Zane!", Aubrey shouts despairingly and rush up to my side. We got seperated in the hunt but she seems to be unharmed. I can't see a drop of blood on her body.

"Oh my god, you're bleeding!" She puts a pressure on my stomach with her hand and clenches when the blood penetrates between her fingers. "Have you healed yourself?"
"Yes, but it's too deep. It needs more time.", I force myself to say, even though it hurts like hell.
"Okay. Hold on, I will get you out of here." Aubrey puts my arm over her neck and helps me walk away.

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