"Commander Dameron, is your ship back in working order for our trip?" Leia asked, a knowing smirk on her lips.

Even though there was some space between the two, they jumped back, creating more space. "Yes, general." He answered, trying his best not to look like he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing.

Kat hurried over to Leia's side as Poe untied the sleeves of his flight suit from around his waist. The older woman looped her arm around the younger's with a soft chuckle. "I hate you so much right now," Kat whispered causing Leia to laugh.

"That looked like it went well, I don't know why you would be so upset with me."

Kat rolled her eyes as she continued to walk with Leia to the CR90 corvette. Poe would fly ahead of them to meet with Kaz before they showed up. She still didn't know how she felt about the kid. Sure he was doing well and bringing in great intel, she just knew that Poe was leaving out some details when he debriefed her. If she had to guess, the kid had the same knack for getting into unnecessary trouble.


The two women were standing at the command center, looking over all intel they've been able to gather. Each of it looking more and more like a war was going to break out soon. "If we could just figure out what their final goal was...besides galactic takeover," Kat added when she got a look from Leia, "then we could put what resources we have towards that. I could try my contact on the inside again."

Leia looked at the other woman with a soft smile and gave Kat's hand a soft pat. "You know as well as I do that conversation would just turn into him trying to recruit you again. Then they would hide whatever it is that they're working on and we would be no closer. Let's see what intel we get today and we'll go from there."

Kat nodded with a solemn look on her face before quickly changing her expression to her usual guarded one. Poe and Kaz had just walked in so she couldn't say or do much else. She watched Kaz fumble over his words in front of Leia. Kat always found people's reactions to the older woman amusing so she did her best to stifle a laugh.

"So she's the one that's really judgy?" Kaz asked Poe in what he thought was a whisper when Poe introduced Kat.

Leia looked up at the ceiling, shaking her head slightly as Kat stared daggers towards Poe, arms crossed over her chest. Poe grimaced and leaned down towards the young spy, patting him on his shoulder. "Kaz, buddy, you might want to learn how to whisper a little better or better yet, don't say anything like that in front of the person you're talking about."

"Mr. Xiono, this job is very dangerous as you know by now. My judgments, in the beginning, were because I wanted to make sure you truly knew what you were getting into. I'm not in the business of losing lives so if my judgments were going to protect you, then I was going to judge and judge hard. Now, I believe you have a drive for us." She held out her hand, waiting for the drive.

Kaz handed over the drive and as Kat loaded the information, she could feel Leia's proud stare and Poe's shocked one. She had just opened up. Not a whole lot but just enough for those who didn't know her to see that she had a heart underneath her cold exterior.

Leia started going through the intel, praising Kaz for a job well done. Kat acted as if she was looking through everything when she was truly trying to reign in her anger. Poe clearly didn't see how tense she was for he stood extremely close to her. She turned her head just enough so she could see him as she whispered harshly. "When did I say you could start invading my personal space?"

"I wanted to apologize." He replied in the same hushed tones so the other two present in the room couldn't hear their conversation.

"Complaining to the general about me is one thing, but to air your grievances to a new recruit is another."

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