Chapter 5-Cleetus?

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(Alone's P.O.V.)

I was sitting at the table fiddling with my sword, waiting... I had scheduled a meeting with Albert a while ago because something was really bothering me.

"Where did (Y/N) come from?"

I had thought that no one had lived in these woods other then us, of course, but somehow this girl appears out of nowhere. As being a popular myth hunter with an entire army of people behind him, we could definitely use Alberts help.

The doorbell rung.

  "Ah must be him" I go to the door. Hearing mention Albert, Selozar looked up from where he was sitting in the corner but he remained silent.

  "Shall we tell him you're leaving him for (Y/N)?" I snickered as Selozar became visibly flustered, his face turning a dark shade of red.

"N-" I cut off Selozar by opening the door and going to greet Albert.

"Howdy Alone!" I was greeted by Albert, he was dressed in his Cleetus outfit of course.

"Yes, hello old friend. Much speak of. Come in." I chirped and lead him inside.

  "Wow I see you've decorated." Albert laughs as he looks around.

  "Yes new member of the family living with us...wanted to make welcoming."

  "New member?" He seemed interested.

  "Yes the very lovely (Y/N)... found near the back of our house on the outskirts of the woods. No ideas where she cane from but she here. She must be asleep upstairs right about now. "

"Ah, I see." Albert spoke taking a few glances at Selozar who was retreated in the dining room corner.
  Suddenly a plethora of crashes and thuds comes from outside the house and I notice the closet was opened.
  "Dammit Uleanra escape again. Must go see if he's fighting that family of raccoons again....I'll be right back." I pick up my sword off the table which made Albert look extremely concerned.

  "Haha....Pesky Uleanra." Albert nervously laughed.

(Selozar's P.O.V.)

  Alone left, leaving me with Albert. After the whole 7-minute heaven thing I don't think I really feel comfortable around him.

  "So um... how ya been buddy?" Albert whispered to me.

  "Life has been...peaceful, since (Y/N) has been around." I reply.

  "That's nice to here." He smiled.

  "Yea, (Y/N)'s f-" I get cut off by the sound of Uleanra busting through the window and spinning around the room knocking Albert out of his chair and knocking over other chairs.

  "Dear Meat Jesus here we go again..." I manage to mutter our before Alone bursts through the door. Alone throws his sword hitting Uleanra on the head making Uleanra tumble over before throwing him in the nearest room and blocking the door with a chair. Thuds came from inside the room before it went dead silent.

  Alone picks up his sword from the ground.

  "Sorry...Hyper Uleanra...." He chuckled

  "Yea..." Albert was sweating nervously. 


((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

  It was a warm Saturday morning. The chirping of birds awoke you. You stretched out your arms and yawned before making your way to your bedroom window to see piles of fresh powdery snow. It's been awhile since you've seen snow.
  You excitedly exited your bedroom to tell Alone and Selozar, slowing to a stop at the stairs. Alone was... talking to someone, but it didn't sound like Selozar.
  You walked down the stairs to see Alone talking with a man. He wasn't made of stone like Alone and Selozar. No, he was like you.
  The man was wearing overalls and a cowboy hat. He seemed to be friends with Alone. You decided not to mention the broken window right now.

  "Ah I see you've awoken! Come, come." Alone beckoned you over.

  "(Y/N) meet old friend Albert!" Alone gestured to the man.

  "You can call me Cleetus." He held at his hand to shake yours. Alone rolled his eyes. You stared at it for a second and then spoke without thinking.

"Why is he so...large...?"Sorry Albert I had too.) Shortly after you heard laughter erupt from the corner of the room. It was Selozar, you hadn't even noticed he was there he was so quiet. Alone also started laughing, while Cleetus just looked sad and annoyed.

  "I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE!Why do they always call me fat!?" Cleetus sobs as he runs away and locks himself in Ulenera's bedroom. Alone was basically dying of laughter. While Selozar goes to try to get Albert out of the room.

"Was it something I said...?" You asked cluelessly.

((A/N) This is the last chapter I'm posting before going on about a month long break so I hope it was enjoyable. I promise you guys once I get back I'll have a butt load of more times to post more often, just a lot of stuff going on right now TwT. Thank you for guys patience. Hope you're having a wonderful day and or night! Cya Later!~Cheesecake)

Word Count:828

Lost (Yandere!AloneTravelerxReaderxDepressed!Selozar)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant