Chapter Three-Sticks and Stone

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(Alone's P.O.V.)

I arrived home from a long walk in the districts. The house was no longer a mess, Selozar was no where to be seen. He couldn't have gone that far. If he did I would easily hunt him down.

Opening the fridge I realized we were low on food. Great another long trip I didn't feel like going on.

I walked into the dining room and there was Selozar and the human girl (Y/N) both fast asleep. It looked as if he had been crying. He was always such a pathetic child afraid of everything. Never fit to be a knight, and it's not like a human could protect him.

I kneeled down next to them and hastily shook Selozar awake. Careful to not wake the girl.

"H-Huh?" Selozar rubs his eyes and yawn.

"Get up!" I hissed in a whisper and pulled Selozar away from the sleeping girls grasp.

"W-What is it?" Selozar whispered back.

"I need you to go to the store." I spoke still whispering remembering the task at hand.

"O-Oh Of course." Selozar rushed out the room, his face slightly flushed. I sighed. Why the hell were they asleep in the corner? I turn and looked at the sleeping girl.

"Tsk." Weak and defenseless. I couldn't leave her in the corner though it's cold and she could get sick. I don't want to have to pay for doctors for an pathetic human.

Slowly not waking her I picked up the girl and took her to bed.

((Y/N)'s P.O.V.)

You awoke in a bed, Selozar no longer by your side. He must've woke up and put you here before leaving. You looked around and slowly began to realize you weren't in Selozar's and your room.

  This was Alone's room...

  You tried to regain your thoughts to what had happened yesterday. You slid out of the bed and got up to look around.

  Alone's "decor" was very strange. He had weird drawings around his room. One thing that intrigued you was a single sword hanging above his side table. It looked very fancy, beautiful red ribbons hanged from the handle.

  You suspiciously looked around. There was no one there. Quietly you picked up the sword and held in in your hand. It looked sharp enough to cleave stone.

  You turned around to see Alone in the doorway smiling at you.

  "You like swords, yes!?" Alone shouted causing you to yelp dropping the sword onto the ground with a loud

  This made Alone chuckle as he picked up the sword but you had a strange feeling that he wasn't very happy.

  "Y'know you shouldn't be so...curious." He hummed in a cheerful tone as he spun the sword in his hand.
  Gracefully he held the sword in his hand and quickly swung it at you once. As a first reaction you tried to hold your hands in front of you only to have a sword pricking your pointer finger.  You winced holding your bleeding finger in your hand.

  "Next time I might actually just kill you."

  His voice was intimidating especially when he didn't mess up his grammar. It was enough to have anyone running for their mother. Still smiling he put the sword back in place.
  "Ow...?" You went to put your finger in your mouth sucking on it. Before looking up at Alone.
  Alone smile was no longer plastered on his face he was staring at you clearly in thought a light hue spreading over his face. He looked up making eye contact with you.

  "Hah. You and Selozar are so pathet-"

  "Why are you such an asshole?" You angrily spoke. Alone face scrunched up in shock and a slight hint of disgust. Then he did something that scared you. He laughed maniacally wiping tears from his eyes. He slowly walked up to you smiling cornering you and leaning over to whisper in your ear.
  "I'd watch what you say if you wanna make it out of this house alive, hun." He shoved you against the side table causing you to fall and leaving a huge bruise on your arm.
  Still laughing he shoved you out his room leaving you sitting on the hallway floor.

  You were trapped and there was no escape. Even if you could run you had to be here for Selozar.

  Selozar. Such a sweet, brave, innocent man who's life just crumbled in pieces right in front of his eyes. You wish you could help him. You curled into a ball and cried. You knew how he felt.


(Selozar's P.O.V.)

  I rushed upstairs once I realized the (Y/N) was no longer in the dining room. There I saw her. Trembling on the floor. Just...Like me...

  "(Y/N)?" I spoke quietly as I leaned down next to her an placed a hand on her back. She smiled at me.

  "Hey Sel..." She sat up an grabbed my hand and held it in hers. My heart fluttered at the nickname.
(Do rock people have hearts?! XD)

  "What happened while I was gone...?" I squeezed her hand slightly.

  "I got curious and may have touched some of Alone's stuff." She laughed and wiped away tears from her eyes.

  "Ouch. Been there done that." I smirked still sad at the fact she was crying.

  I helped (Y/N) bandage her bruised and we talked for awhile.

A sound soon departed from my pocket startling (Y/N).

  "What the hell was that?!" She squeaked.

   "Oh my phone..." I slid it out of my pocket and waved it in front of her she looked at it at awe.

  "What you never had a phone before? Aren't you human?" I chuckled and her eyebrows furrowed.

  "I don't...remember." She looked up at me. Weird.

  "Hah, well wanna see?" I scratched the back of my head.

"Yes!" She said excitedly.

  I let her borrow my phone for awhile she seemed to like it. She downloaded way too many games though, but I was okay with it I'd just delete them later. I didn't wanna ruin it for her.

((A/N)- I will try to atleast update once or twice of week. Also if they're are any spelling errors I'll eventually go back and fix them. Thank you to those who made it this far! Stay sweet cuties!

Word Count: 1062

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