tanjirou added.

zenitsu expressed his worries, ghostbump forming under his skin. inosuke, who was spacing out a while ago stood up from his bed and walked towards them, interested with the topic.

"i'm going too! demon in swordsmith village? i'm going to rip their body apart!"



"it's gonna be your second visit, does it?"


tanjirou grinned, adjusting his collar. he has not healed fully yet from his recent injuries but as he claimed that walking a few miles away to the swordsmith village will do a favor to make him feel better.

shigure was astonished by his spirit, how he has survived all this while in protecting his demon sister. in fact, shigure herself have never been aware that her own twin brother is still alive when she thought he has been living in heaven after the past incident.

only if she know the little one has make contract with the demon and has been turned into one.

"shigure-chan? welcome back! i just finished with your nichirin just now. good thing you are here!"

the two of them arrived at the swordsmith village. as usual, the place gives everyone chill with the windy and fine weather. shigure has been there a few weeks ago to send her nichirin to be fixed. therefore, she relies on her inherited katana for the time being. however, she broke it a few days ago.

tanjirou gazed as his ears catches the voice of a man. his eyes trailed up to the extremely tall man, standing behind him. he is the swordsmith who forged nichirim blade for shigure. since her black sword, not a nichirin but a treasure passed down by her generation has broken after relying too much on it to fight against demons.

"what's up, boy? have you never seen anyone as tall as me?"

the tall man unmasked his face and stared down. he joked, grinning at the youth. tanjirou cleared his throat, outstretching his right hand to shake hand with the middle aged man.

"who are you? her friend?"

shigure nodded, introducing further about the swordsmith to tanjirou. he, who stood at the same height as shigure listened to the man's story.

"himejima-san of the demon slayer corps is almost your height too!"

"oh, that stone pillar. his swordsmith is my cousin by the way. since the two of you are here, take a seat will you?"

the two of them sat on a long bench outside of his garage as instructed.

"this is satori sakamoto,-san, his family's breed is like this for over the decades. therefore, they served the military. but for him and some others, they migrated here and worked as swordsmith just to avoid putting lives on the line."

"your memory is as good as before, shigure-chan!"

"wow, that's amazing sakamoto-san!"

tanjirou's eyes glittered with amazement. the swordsmith walked away, polishing some part of a nichirin weapon that tanjirou cannot see clearly due to his back facing him.

"if you think so, i guarantee you my customer is more amazing than i do. she carries my spirit in her missions, right shigure-chan?"

"well it is a yes."

"sadly i can never get along with haganezuka-san!"

the burgundy haired exlcaimed, gazing down to his feets as his eyes softened. shigure who sensed the slight change of mood in the atmosphere turned her head to her side, seeing tanjirou in somewhat a gloomy expression.

"hotaru? he is your swordsmith?"

"yes... but why? is there anything wrong?"

"no, no. sigh.... that boomer is always so fierce!"

the clang of iron clashing in virtue with eahc other filed the air. the swordsmith added some of his last touch onto the sword. then, her wife, a young tall woman approached them with a tray of teas and some rice balls.

"here, shigure-chan. try this!"

after ten minutes, sakamoto went out of his garage while holding a nichirin wrapped in white clothes.

shigure accepted it, removing the wrapping. she smiled brightly, swinging the grey-magenta colored scythe, with the kanji of "annihilate demons" carved on it into the air.

"this is so cool, thank you sakamoto-san!"

"my pleasure! make sure you kill more of the demons out there. if you ever find the strongest, kill him with this!"

sakamoto walked to his wife, pulling her shoulders closer to his buffed body. the woman then called out for her.

"try to twirl it around, shigure-chan!"

as shigure follows her instruction, the medium weight scythe then slowly fades into the air. tanjirou and herself become panicked a bit, but then she manages to capture the meaning behind that.

the scythe then fades into a grey metal ring. then, sakamoto's wife, nao, walked towards shigure, patting her firm left shoulder.

"i came up with the material ideas. the metal is specially made from light carbon and some other minerals. upon in touch with the air if you twirls it clockwise, it will shrink but if yoy twirls counter clockwise, it will become a scythe! amazing no?!"

"very well, thank you so much, nao-san! this is amazing!"

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