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"i am not very familiar with the detail myself, but it seems like they are having problems with each other."

shigure shifted her glances from the blanket covering lower half of tanjiro's body to his slightly tanned face, before looking at genya who was sleeping peacefully while backfacing them.

tanjirou ruffled his head, thinking for a second. he has way too many things that holds him back from helping genya to solve his controversial and strained relationship with his brother, sanemi. 

"well, if genya's not there when the upper moons attacked the swordsmith village, then i don't know. from there, i learnt his special talent."

"tanjirou i borrowed your tow... what the- shigure-san?!!"

zenitsu who just finished taking his hot bath entered the room, his face flushed red as his eyes captured the beautiful girl's facial. she was talking to tanjirou who is having a good rest on his own bed.

zenitsu walked to his bed, cheeks reddening as shigure smiled at him. what kind of matter is more heart pumping than seeing a girl of such beauty smiling upon seeing him?

genya's heart fluttered at tanjirou's words. he has woken himself up when zenitsu stormed in and squealled uponnseeing shigure. when shigure entered the small ward room, genya was having a desperate and uneasy feelings, appretally towards any female presences inside the male ward.

he just stay quite, half of his body wrapped with the white blanket, eardropping every second of the conversation. if it's not about him, he would have lashed out and told them to slow their voices down but his curoousity took over whole control, commanding him to sneak his earsight for the conversation's details.

"zenitsu! go to the kitchen and eat your medicine!!"

aoi kanzaki barged in into the room, pulling zenitsu by his collar when he is having so much fun comforting his eyes with the presence of the shadow pillar.

"no!! that thing sucks!!"

"you have too! you healed too slow compared to others! even tanjirou healed three times earlier than you because he follow the medicine's inscription!"

aoi babbled on. zenitsu manages to release himself from her grip after much squirming, pacing up and jumped onto his bed beside tanjirou. the blonde haired sneakily hide himself behind shigure, peeking at the angered aoi.

"you two, calm down! genya is sleeping!"

"tanjirou, let me handle this."

tanjirou nodded as shigure turned her head around, questioning zenitsu of his ignorace to take his medicine. she later instructed aoi to bring the medicine in.

"it's good for healing, you need to consume this, okay?"

"it sucks! i don't want to turn you down but seriously! it sucks a lot!!"


"zenitsu, here."

shigure walked towards aoi, grabbing the cup of mediacted water and medicine to him. zenitsu watched as she sit back on hed chair, shoving the medicine an inch away from his face.

"zenitsu, please."

zenitsu blinked his eyes in disbelief. in his eyes, he somehow saw shigure pleading onto him as if to be saved from demon. in his sudden midday fantasy, he saw himself as a brave soldied rescuing a beautiful princess from demons. evil begone!

"i will!! for miss shigure, i will eat this!"


"i really don't want to interrupt their business, but i had to. i don't want to see anyone else, no matter who they are to ever bicker between siblings. it hurts me."

as zenitsu leave the room shortly after for his recovery session, tanjirou and shigure let out a deep sigh. zenitsu has caused trouble that has made teir conversation cut half.

tanjirou smiled warmly. shigure, on the other hand could feel the butterflies residing within her stomach has vanished right after she has finally spoken her opinion. the red eyed female has always keep her caring nature overshadowed by her calm, yet cold attitude.

"you are very kind and caring, shigure-san. eventhough you know you will never receive the same care you give from those you show affections to."

"you think so?"

"you have a cozy scent most of the time! even nezuko likes to have you around."

tanjirou added, lifting up his index finger while grinning at her. the soft wind breeze that entered the ward room from the open window ruffled his hair softly. shigure closed her eyes, released a deep sigh underneath her breath.

she gazed out of the window to her own kasugaigarasu, perching on a tree branch while waiting for her. the crow has always been excellent as long as it served shigure for the past few years as a messenger.

"tanjirou... both of us have lost lots of people we care and love back then. do you... i mean, as long as you are trying to show your potential the other pillars, will you as well help the brothers out?"

a sudden silence that spaced in between their conversation was cut shut by her, as she gazed back to stare into tanjirou's burgundy eyes.

the male tilted his head a bit, with a worried expression plastered on his face. shigure's eyes become saddened once again, sunken in pits of hope and despair.

"you... what happened to your family?"

"they has died... long time ago. back then, i was just too young to understand a thing."

tanjirou attentively listened to her, excited over the storytelling session.

"it fills me with anguish whenever i see siblings having problem. i've lost my twin brother when i was little, all because of a small bickering. ends up... sigh, my whole family was slained and i was left behind."

"you have the same request as oyakata-sama. both of you are very caring."

to easen the pain of the memories of her past, tanjirou approved out her kind heart. he saw her as someone who's individually reserved, loving.

"may i ask you something?"


"why... why do you not keep a distance from me?"

as shigure was out of word, she stared onto the wooden floor. her gloom crimson eyes denies contact then she fiddled her fingers nervously.

"i... those eyes. i could feel that you can feel the presence of a demon. have you no fear of me?"

"shigure-san, if i do have even doubts on you, then nezuko will never be alive up to this day. i believes that whoever you are, you are a living being too. you have hearts of gold, shigure-san."

upon hearing those words out of an ordinary guy like him, shigure's eyes brimmed with tears. before it could roll down her cheeks, she quickly lowered her head down and erased them away.

"shigure-san! are you okay?!"

he panicked, not knowing what to do. shigure smiled warmly as she gazed her eyes up, sniffling a stiffled sadness out, residing deep inside her heart.

"if i tell you the story of my past, will you hear me out?"

"i am pleased to hear that."

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