Chapter Seventeen: Bridges

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Flynn and Milo run upstairs, heading for the back patio door. Milo walks up to the door and unlocks it, letting the rest of their friends in. Roselyn walks past her and up to Flynn, wrapping her arms around him. Ethan comes inside, dropping his jacket on the floor immediately. Sara comes in, taking her jacket off before pulling Milo into a kiss. Flynn keeps a tight grip on Roselyn, holding his best friend to him.

"I don't like that only three of you came back," Milo chokes out.

"Be glad three of us came back," Ethan sighs, throwing his toque across the room.


Sara wraps her arms around Milo, pulling her head into her shoulder. Milo gets the message, wrapping her arms tightly around her girlfriend's waist. She presses a kiss to her cheek then looks over at Roselyn and Flynn. Slowly, he releases her and she takes off her jacket, throwing it onto the table. Flynn puts his one arm around her again, pulling her body back into his. 

"What happened out there?" Milo asks cautiously.

"Can we not do this by a glass door please?" Roselyn asks, her arms going around Flynn again. "I can't deal with that right now."

"Well we've been using the killer's lair as a mini base of operations," Milo suggests. "That way we can see-"

"There's nothing to see anymore," Ethan interrupts. "Are there any other lounges on the main floor for us to hang out in? I just want to relax now."

"Yeah," Flynn mutters. "There's a small one by the stairs with a fireplace and everything. Lock the door and let's go."

He turns and starts off towards the spare lounge, keeping Roselyn in his arms. Sara quickly locks the door before the group takes off, following their friends as the head towards the stairs to the basement. Flynn opens a door next to the stairs and walks in, the rest of his friends following behind closely. Milo is the last person in the room, pulling the door shut behind them. Flynn lets go of Roselyn to approach the fireplace, starting the fire so the room gets engulfed in a warm orange glow. He moves next to Roselyn on one of the couches, pulling her into his side.

"So what happened out there? Why the sudden confidence that we're not being hunted anymore?" Milo asks cautiously.

"You should've seen what Ethan did to that fucker. The next body in the woods might be the man's," Roselyn jokes.

"Wait a minute. What do you mean what Ethan did to him? We're not having someone arrested for assault or murder after this, are we?" Milo sighs.

"Okay. We're telling the whole story, not just the part where I lashed out," Ethan interrupts. "We tried to guess a path and got lucky to find some indication of where the man took Rosie. We got separated and Sara got grabbed by that asshole. We didn't even realize it happened at first. Ro and I got to Rosie just a little too late. Then we realized Sara wasn't with us. Long and the short of it is that we got to her, I decided to practice some baseball and knocked that mother fucker down and out."

"Not just down and out," Roselyn interrupts. "There was a lot of blood coming from that asshole when I stopped you."

"Jeez, Dude. I know it's been a long trip but you know self-defence isn't a viable excuse here," Flynn argues.

"I don't give a fuck right now. I'm getting really fucking sick of that asshole taking our friends our friends away from us. We're going home and we're never going to see Eli, Bubba, Rory, or Rosie again. How the fuck do we deal with that?" Ethan asks. "They're our best friends. We've been so close these last couple years and it's about to half the fucking group together."

"Everything about this is fucked but we can't lose our humanity," Roselyn argues before turning her attention to Flynn. "Why are you sweaty and shaking?"

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