Chapter Thirteen: Waiting

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Flynn follows behind Roselyn, watching her as she rips apart one of the side lounges, anger guiding her movements. He shakes his head, extremely concerned about the girl.

"Rose, you okay?" he asks. 

"No, Ellie," she snaps, turning to him. "I'm not fucking okay. We're caught in a snowstorm and a fucking shit storm right now. We're missing two of our friends at the moment. We have a third body on our hands. Rosie is at her fucking breaking point. I'm losing my goddamn mind and I don't know how much more of this that I can take."

She turns and leaves the lounge, heading towards the stairs. Flynn follows behind her, arms crossed and eyes narrowed.

"Maybe you need a moment to stop and think. You've been go, go, go practically from the exact moment we first found that asshole frozen in the bottom of that pit. Just take a moment and-"

"Ellie, come on. You know better than to tell me what to do. Have I ever responded well to that?"

"I'm just saying, Ro. I care about you and-"

Roselyn approaches Flynn and shoves him back, stopping him from speaking. He holds his hands up, not wanting to piss her off anymore. She takes a deep breath, putting her head in her hands. Flynn slowly approaches her, pulling her into his arms. She breaks her arms out of the middle and wraps them around him, trying to maintain her composure.

"Ro, what would I need to do to convince you to take thirty seconds and relax for a couple seconds?" Flynn asks.

"Help me find Milo and Sara so we know that they're still alive. We know we have three bodies but I'm kind of hoping we haven't had that jump to five lost friends."

Roselyn swats Flynn's ass and backs away as soon as he puts his hands on his ass. She sticks out her tongue then blows a kiss to him before heading to the second level of the basement. Flynn follows her, arms crossed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Flynn asks again.

"I never said I was okay. I told you I'm not, Baby Boy. But don't worry about me. I just need less fucking bodies to deal with. Once we're all back together, maybe I can breathe a little easier."

She slowly starts walking down the hall, her hands in her back pockets. She stops, rocking her body.

"You know, Ellie, I don't think that I've seen that lair yet. You've been in there. Does he have the room to keep two girls hostage without too much risk of them breaking out?" she asks.

"Easily. He has plenty of room to work. He can easily keep two, probably three, hostages in there. Maybe even more. Whatcha thinking?"

"If he has the space to keep people hostage in a spot he knows well, why wouldn't he?"

"We know about it. He knows that we know it exists."

"Does he though? Every time anyone's been in there, he's been out or he never noticed. Why wouldn't he assume that keeping two tied up girls in the lair he has hidden in the basement is a good idea? You need to trust me on this, Ellie. I just feel like we need to look there for Milo and Sara."

He nods and approaches the hidden door. Flynn puts one shoulder against the door then nods for Roselyn to come and help him. She approaches him and they both push until the door swings open. Almost instantly, they're greeted with screams. Flynn turns the light on and they are greeted by Milo and Sara being tied up on the floor back to back. When they see Ro and Flynn instead of the man, their fear changes into desperation.

"Jesus fucking Christ," Roselyn snaps.

Flynn hands her his pocket knife. She approaches the girls and cuts the ropes off of them. Roselyn helps Milo to her feet while Flynn does the same for Sara.

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