Chapter Five: Shots in the Dark

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"So we all agree it's in everyone's best interest for us to just pack up and leave? The cops can come deal with everything? We should just book a hotel?" Flynn asks, clear disappointment in his voice.

"I know I'm speaking for everyone but this cabin is so uncomfortable now," Sara says. "We can't stay here with the corpse of our friend in the backyard. I know they said they can't send someone out because roads are blocked but I think it's worth the risk to just try getting out of here."

"I mean, you're not wrong but I'm still upset since I booked this place for the entire week. This was supposed to be fun."

"And it would have been assuming that the accident wouldn't have happened," Roselyn offers.

Flynn sighs, leaning his head down onto the counter. He's upset that his plan so quickly went awry. Roselyn puts her hand on the back of his head, one of their stupid comforting strategies.

The main cabin door opens, drawing everyone's attention. Ethan and Rory come inside, closing and locking the door behind them. They start stripping their layers of winter clothing, leaving them in their jeans and sweaters before coming into the room. Ethan keeps one of his hands behind his back. Rory comes up behind Rosalynn, cuddling up to her in order to warm himself up. She tries pulling away, but he refuses to let her move as his hands find places under her sweater.

"So we got some news on the current state of both mine and Flynn's trucks," Ethan says. "And the best way to explain it is to show you this."

Ethan pulls his hand out from behind his back, revealing that his hand has a thick layer of car oil over it. He grabs some paper towels to wipe his hand off.

"Someone tampered with both trucks," Rory adds. "Slashed tires, cuts lines, the whole shebang. Neither truck will even start even though they've both been plugged in since we arrived. Someone probably siphoned the gas out of both."

"So whoever attacked Elijah also made it so we can't leave?" Sara asks.

"Yeah. It's fucking awesome, isn't it? Wait a minute. Where's Bubba?" Ethan asks.

Sara nods her head towards the patio door. Noah is on the other side of the glass, bundled up with a joint in his mouth.

"Is he fucking serious right now?" Rory asks. "It's a blizzard outside and we're all trying to figure out what to do while he's out on the deck getting high?"

"Give him a break. He's taking Elijah's death so much harder than the rest of us; he was closer to the Kid than we were," Rosalynn sighs.

"Still. If we don't know what's happening right now, is it safe for him to be standing outside?" Ethan asks.

"We can see him at least. And his back is against the glass. Nothing can sneak up on him and he can get back in if it becomes an emergency," Roselyn offers.

"Still. We don't know what's going on," Ethan argues.

"Some people don't know what's going on because they're choosing to reject the truth," Rosalynn mutters.

"You think you know what's happening?" Sara asks cautiously.

"I think us coming up here and Ro's discovery put us in our own horror movie, specifically a slasher movie," Rosalynn explains.

Milo bursts out laughing before she can stop herself. Instantly, Rosalynn shoots a sour look at her.

"I'm sorry, Milo. Is there something you want to say to me?" she snaps.

"Sorry, Rosie but that was just kind of ridiculous. I mean, come on. Do really think we're in one of those stupid scary movies you like?" Milo asks, trying to stifle more laughter.

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