Chapter Nine: Eye of the Storm

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"Hey everyone! Meet in the main floor lounge! We need to-"

Roselyn cuts herself off as she rounds the corner, seeing everyone already sitting in there. Sara walks past her, cuddling up to Milo before pulling her into a kiss. Rosalynn and Ethan exchange a look before each looking to one of Roselyn and Flynn. Both shrug and shake their heads, not having the answer to what is going on either. Ethan sighs and turns to the two girls.

"Okay. No one else is willing to say anything so I'll do it. Since when?" he asks.

"After Flynn made Rosie and me split up after the fight," Milo mutters.

"Jesus fucking Christ. Why the Hell is everyone fucking hooking up?" Flynn sighs. "I book this place to party and now all of our friends are either dead or fucking someone."

"Maybe we're just trying to be role models for you and Ro," Rosalynn taunts. "That's the only hook up that needs to happen."

"We not going to fucking- No. Just no. Flynn, let's throw on some winter gear and make sure the body count is two, not three," Roselyn orders. "He seems to only kill at night so we need to find him before it's too late. Let's go. Someone else go down to the basement and look there. Maybe he's keeping him in the place we never check and there's actually a place to keep him. Where outside could he be storing him?"

"Garden shed? Generator shed? That fucking grave?" Flynn offers.

"Great. We have places to check now. Milo, you're staying in here with a babysitter. I don't care who goes with who anymore. Flynn and I are going. Flynn, let's go."

Flynn nods and follows Roselyn out of the room. Once they're gone, Rosalynn starts shaking her head.

"He's so fucking whipped," she scoffs. "They're not even together yet and he already follows her every order. Fuck. Can they just get together already?"

"Okay. Not the priority right now. We need to plan. Ro's on the right path. Rosie, Sara, why don't you guys go check out the basement? I'll stay with Milo to defend her if anything happens," Ethan offers,

"Can I please stay with Milo?" Sara asks. "I-"

"Babe, maybe go with Rosie. I don't know if I'm going to stay conscious. If I do, I think Ethan's better off in a one to one. We're going to be okay."

Sara sighs and pulls Milo into another kiss then walks off, Rosalynn following her. Ethan sighs and turns to Milo. He gets up and approaches her, looking at the swelling from where she got hit. He falls down on the couch next to her.

"Can I ask if you still think that this is a joke?" Ethan asks. "Do you still believe that everything that happened out here has been a series of accidents?"

Milo hesitates, not wanting to meet his eyes. After a minute, she lets out a heavy sigh and turns to Ethan.

"We're alone. We're alone out here. It has always just been the nine of us up here. I don't know what happened when I blacked out and Rory went missing. I think the term Ro used was retrograde amnesia. Maybe it was Rory who knocked me out. Maybe I'm dehydrated from all the drinking we've been doing and I collapsed from thirst. I don't know what happened before I passed out."

"I don't get it. I don't get you, Milo. I get that you think horror movies are always incredibly fake. But this, I can't even begin to process how after everything that has gone on up here, your skeptic views haven't even been cracked. Everything that you've seen as fake for the last six years has become very real and is right in front of your nose. Tell me how you still think everything is fake."

Milo blinks for a couple of seconds before her eyes drop to the floor. She opens her mouth to argue but no sound comes out.

"Milo, you want to solve crimes and look at crime scenes all day," Ethan sighs. "Well, there are two crime scenes in the backyard right now. Two of our friends were murdered up here. If you can't look at that and believe those weren't accidents, then maybe you need to consider changing majors."

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