Hank Pym X Reader

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Faul-T-Wiring requested this imagine.

"I can't believe I agreed to this," Hank mumbles under his breath as he watches you try to shrink on command.

"Because I'm amazing," you smirk at him.  

"Well for someone so amazing your technique is wrong."

You grumble.

"See you need to concentrate on the emotions that cause you to change sizes.  So what emotion makes you shrink?"

You pause then answer, "Well it's probably fear and embarrassment."

"Then focus on those emotions and try to shrink."

You nod.  Soon you're the size of a ant.

"Now, use that same mindset to shrink that plant over there," Hank gestures at the dead potted plant in the corner of the room.  You focus and return to a normal size.

You nod, concentrating on the plant and fear.

The plant shrinks.

"That's good enough for today," says Hank walking out of the room.

"'That's good enough for today'," you mock once Hank's out of the room.

"I can hear you!"  Hank shouts from the hallway.

You stick out your tongue even though he won't see you.

I'll show him, you think.  

T I M E  S K I P

Hank had finally gone to bed and with the help of your powers you sneak into his room with a couple of ants following behind your now shrunken person.

"So what do you want to do with him?"  you ask the ants.

One of them, Antwonet  you think, climbs on Hank's desk that's across the room and nudges a pen towards you.

You quickly stifle a laugh bubbling in your throat and nod.  Who knew Hank's ants were so rebellious?  You return to your normal size and grab the pen.

"What to draw?" you ponder quietly to yourself.  "Aha!"

Stifling another laugh you hurry over to Hank's bedside and quickly draw a tic-tack-toe board and ask, "Who wants to play?  Best out of three?"

T I M E  S K I P

You're downstairs making your breakfast that contests of (favorite breakfast food) and (favorite breakfast drink) when Hank comes down the stairs.

"Good morning, Hank," you say not remembering what you did to him last night.

"Hello, Y/n."

You turn around going towards the table to sit down when you see Hank's face covered in pen.  Tic-tack-toe games cover his face but there is also art done by the ants, who are surprisingly good artists, and you.

You don't even try to contain the laugh that comes out of your mouth.

"What is it?"

That's when the kitchen door opens and Hope walks in after spending a few days away from the house.

She takes one look at her dads face, she covers her smile, and your laughing figure and immediately knows what's up.

 "What is it?"  Hank questions again this time the question directed at his daughter.

"I don't suppose you've looked in a mirror this morning?"   Hope asks her father.

"Uh no, why?"

"Well, you might want to go look,"  Hope says and Hank nods, confused, and leaves the room.  Once he's gone Hope whirls on you.

You look at her nervously before seeing that Hope is smiling at you.

"When did you do that?"  

"Last night while he was sleeping.  I figured he needed to let lose."

 "He does.  Thank you."

"I have a picture."

Hope's smiles, "Send it to me."

You nod then add, "By the way the ink is permanent."

"That's even better."

"WHAT!"  you're interrupted by Hank's exclamation from the bathroom.  

You shrug, "Well I guess he found out."

Hank storms back into the kitchen and gives you a deadly glare, before smiling at you.

Your eyebrows scrunch together, why is he smiling?

"That's great," is all Hank says.  "Who did you play against?"

"What?"  you ask confused.

"The tic-tack-toe game.  Who did you play against."

"Your ants."

One of his eyebrows raise, "They were in on this too?"

"Yes.  Antwonet gave me the idea to draw on your face."

"See dad even your ants agree you're grumpy and need to smile," chimes in Hope.

"I suppose I was grumpy.  Thank you, Y/n, for showing me that."

"You're welcome."

"I'll try and be better now."

"And my punishment?"

"You don't have one."

"By the way the ink on your face?"


"It's permanent."


"You already said you would be better! And I you won't punish me!"

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