Wait What!?| Peter Parker X Reader

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You're the same age as Peter in this and don't ask questions about the parents because I honestly don't know.

"Hi, Mr. Stark," Peter says.

"Hello Peter," Tony says looking around the room where everyone but you is.

"Why did you call me here?"  Peter asks.

"I'll tell you once everyone's here."

That's when you rush in.

"Hey sorry I'm late I was out flying when Friday called me.  Which by the way was super freaky," you say hurriedly out of breath, slipping into the empty chair in the middle of Wanda and Natasha.

"Hey Y/n," Wanda and Natasha say.

"Hey Wanda," you say smiling at her.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Natasha asks.

"And Nat," you say smirking at Nat.

"Any way the reason we are having this meeting today," Tony says.  "Is because we're introducing a new member of the Avengers."

The room bursts into questions. At the same time.

"Are they my age?" you ask.

"What are their powers?" Wanda asks.

"Do we know them?" Natasha asks.

"Have we meet them?" Clint asks.

"Are they friendly?"  Steve asks.

"What is their real name?" Bucky asks.

"What is their superhero name?" Bruce asks.

"How old are they?" Sam asks.

"Do they have experience fighting?" Thor asks.

And once everyone was done asking Pietro chimes in, "Are they fast?"

Everyone stares at him.

"What?" he asks.  "I want to know if I'm still faster then everyone here!"

"Not everyone," you say.

"I beat you!"

"I ran into a tree!"

"I still won."


"Anyway back on track.  The new Avenger is........... Drum roll please........ Peter Parker A.K.A Spider Man!" Tony says.

"So he is my age!" you exclaim.

"Yes. Yes but anyway Peter come here."

Peter steps out from the shadows.

"Ok so Peter you know everyone but Y/n so Y/n might as well tell him your powers."

You stand up and say, "My powers are Flight and Mimicking."

"And Y/n how does that work?" Tony asks.  You roll your eyes.

"Well you obviously know how flying works but with mimicking I have to be near them to get their ability's.  So like right now I can run super fast and read your mind at the same time.  So with different ability's I get different suits.  When I go on missions with Pietro I get different shoes.  With Tony a Iron Man suit but different.  Nat a suit just like hers.  Clint the same one as Nat but with arrows.  Wanda the same suit as her but with f/c jacket.  You get the point."

"So how'd you get your powers," Peter asks. Your eyes widen.  "If you don't mind of course."

"No no. I got my powers from my dad."

"Who's your dad?"  Your eyes go green.  "I recognize those eyes!"

You scan the room before landing on Steve who's across from you.  "Steve!  I have a question about yesterdays lesson!"

He nods,  "What is it?"

"Um about using anything as a weapon.  What if there is nothing?"

"You use your fists, feet, elbows and knees you can ask Nat about that."


"Y/n," Tony says, "you can trust him."

"I-I don't know if I can," you say running out of the room.

"Tony," Wanda scolds.

"I know. I know when she comes back I'll tell her."

"You do realize you just forced her to tell her biggest secret to a boy she barely knows," Steve says.

"It was hard enough for her to tell Pietro, Wanda, Sam and I," Bucky says.

But while the Avengers were fighting Peter slipped out to comfort you.

He hears you crying in a room.

So he walks in and he sees you on the ground head on your knees.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi," you respond.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"It's not that I don't want to it's just my dad did some bad things."

"It can't have been that bad."

"Believe me it was and I had to fight him.  He's changed now but...."

"It's ok," Peter says.

-----------Hi My name is Time Skip! A few days later----------

You and Peter got along great and you decided to tell him your first secret and he still liked you you were going to tell him your second.

"Hey Y/n!"  he says as you sit down for breakfast.

"Hey Pete!" you say nervously.

And being the amazing friend that he is notices, "Why are you nervous?"

"I think it's time for me to tell you who my father is," you say and everyone gives you an encouraging nod.

"Who is he?"

"Promise not to freak out?" 


You take a deep breath, "It's Loki."

"Wait what!?"

"You promised not to freak out," you whine.

"I'm not! I'm just surprised that's all."

"We're still friends right?"

"Of course! Who you're father is doesn't determine who you are!"

You didn't think it was possible but you fell even more in love with Peter at the moment.

God I love Peter Parker.

"Hey Y/n you said that out loud," says Clint.

"What!  Oh my good Peter I'm so sorry I meant to tell you a different way!  I'm so sor-"

But Peter cuts you off by kissing you.

Shocked at first but then you reply by kissing him back lips moving in sync.

"I love you to Y/n."

"That's good Because I love you to Peter."

"Thank god all that sexual  tension was really getting to me," Tony says smirking.

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