I've said it before and I'll say it again...he's my home. Even just looking at him in a dire situation made it all okay, even for just a small amount of time.

It's crazy, what one person can do to your heart.

I've read about love—love at first sight, soulmates—all the good stuff. Everyone would say that when you meet 'your' person, you'd know. You'd experience feelings that you've never felt before. I used to think it was all a cliche...until Harry.

He was put in my life for a reason, and I truly did believe that we were made for each other, as cheesy as that sounds.

I feel Harry brush his wet hand along my cheekbone and glide it over to my hair. "You're being weirdly quiet." he says.

"I'm just thinking." I mumble with my head against his chest.

"About?" he questioned further.

I smile and turn my head so that I could look a little bit. "You."

He arches his brow and his dimple pops as his lips are brought into a smile. "Yeah?"

I nod. "Yeah. I love you." I tell him, causing a glimpse of surprise to flash across his eyes.

"I love you too." he says with a content smile, then brings his head down so that our lips were just inches apart. "Forever." he finishes before kissing me once more.

Around noon, when Harry and I had gotten out of the bath and were trying to go about our day, I got a call from Eliza.

Harry and I were sitting on the couch. My legs were resting across his as he rubbed them in circles. I pick up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey, Lyds." Eliza says. "I need to ask you a favour." she says, making me sit up slightly.

"Anything." I respond.

She pauses before answering. I look at Harry who was watching me talk.

"Liam wants to take me out tonight...and I can't find a sitter..." she tells me.

"You want me to?"

"I know it's really last minute, but if you could that would be so great."

"Are you kidding? Of course I will." I say, causing her to sigh in relief from the other side of the phone.

"Thank you so much. It'll be around 6." she says.

We say our goodbyes and I hang up. Harry looks at me like he's waiting for me to explain what happened.

"Eliza asked me to babysit tonight." I tell him.

"For how long?" he asks.

"From 6 till I don't know when. She didn't tell me. But Liam's taking her out tonight so I figured I might as well help her out."

"So you're gonna leave me here alone?" he pouts like a child, making me laugh.

"I mean, you could come with me. I could use a helping hand." I nudge him with my elbow.

resurrect | h.sDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora