I am...

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I am tough. I am ambitious. I know my worth. I am loved. I am strong. I am enough. I am a feminist. It took me a long time to develop a voice, and now that i have it I am not going to remain silent. Women are constantly underestimated. There is a reason that we call ships "she". Why we call our war machines "women". Why we compare women to black widows and vipers. Then you sit there and try to tell us it isn't lady like to take up space. To fight and demand respect. To do whatever the hell i want. Men have looked at nuclear bombs and have been in such awe they could only name them after women. "Mother of all bombs". They have looked into storms and had such a passion stricken in them they could only utter names such as "Emily" and "Katrina" and "Irma". Never try to down play our power. We will not go quietly back to the 1950s. You are either on our side, by our side, or in our fucking way. Choose wisely. And to all the men feeling attacked right now, maybe you should try smiling. I hear it makes you look better. More approachable.

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