Be OK With It

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Yes, I still miss my ex. I do. And yes I still look for him in pieces of people that I date. I probably always will. And yes I still have hope that I'll see his face whenever there's a knock at the door. But I don't want him back. You see your first love isn't the first person to give you there heart it's the first one to break it. And while everyone else and my thoughts were dragging me into the dark at 2 am he was pulling me out. And you need to know that I'm always going to love him. And there are gonna be nights that I cry about him and just think about all of the things we did. Because my whole life was him at one point. And to an extent he's always going to be part of my life. And what I'm saying is that before we get too serious you need to know all of this about me. I'm damaged. I have a temper. I love and fall in love easily and no matter what I will never forget him. And I hope you're OK with that because it's part of who I am and I'm never going to change. I am trying to learn how to love again. And if your heart has ever been as damaged as mine, then you understand that it's not easy. I am still trying to learn how to let people in. And I'm sorry if that's enough, but it's all I have to offer. And I need you to be OK with that.

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