Chapter 17 - A whole new world

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Chapter 17- A whole new world

I wore a pair of plain black jeggings with a plain white top and knee high flat boots. By the choice of clothes Jase told me to wear; I thought he might be taking me on a hiking trip which I wasn’t liking the sound of especially not after the last hiking trip we went on…
“Libby honey Jason’s here” Mag howled. I grabbed my longest coat and wrapped my thickest scarf around my neck. I splashed some water on my face making it look like I was sweating. I took one last look in the mirror and one thing was for sure; I looked dreadful. “Aww you take care okay dear. Don’t worry about college, just go see the doctor… You sure you don’t want me to come with you?” She asked holding the side of my arms. I hadn’t technically told Mag the truth. I quickly nodded before she could say anything else. She kissed my forehead then followed me to the door.
“Jason dear take care of her and call me if you need me” she said.
“Don’t worry Mag I’ll take great care of her” he said wrapping his arm around my waist. He smiled a crooked smile then helped me in the car.

“What?” I asked taking off the coat and scarf as soon as we were out of Mag’s sight.
“I can’t believe you actually pulled it off… I’m proud of you Lobster” he smiled, not keeping his eyes on the road. My hands shot to the wheel, saving us from nearly crashing into someone’s car.
“Jase eyes on the road please… And thank you, I couldn’t believe it either” I winked popping my imaginary collar, his laughed filled the car. We talked almost the whole way through the drive. The car stopped when we arrived at a colossal sized field surround with brown gates. I began to wonder where he had taken me until I saw a few people in the distance who were either flying or riding something tall. As the figures came closer I came to realise they were on horses and not flying, although that would have been awesome.

“Jase, your taking me horse riding?” I yelled at him jumping up and down. I had always wanted to go horse riding since I was little. My mom did promise to take me but before she could the accident happened. Ever since then I never really mentioned this to anyone except Kate and Lizzy. Which explains everything, I thought.  
“You always wanted to go right? I thought what could be a better second date then this” he said spreading his arms out wide. My arms shot around his neck, I had to slightly tip toe since the boots didn’t add any extra height. “Remember when you said we’re officially a couple now?” I nodded at his question looking at him. “Well as your boyfriend it’s my duty to full-fill all you’re deepest desires. Even if they are the smallest things” he said as he sheltered my waist with his arms. I looked at him just thinking how lucky I am to have someone like Jase. Already I learnt something that day; I can’t live without Jason. He became such a big part of my life that if he went away I would be left without a soul.
“Come on then or do you want to spend the rest of the day hugging” his voice filled my ears bringing me back to reality. I nodded and we were off.

He brought two horses; one for himself which was jet black and I must say it was very shinny against the bright sun. He then brought out my horse which was a pure white colour. Jase helped me on the horse as I admired it. The horse had lovely long hair and I’m sure I saw blue highlights.
“Before we go… I got you something” he said handing me a thin black coat. I recognised that it was the one the professional horse riders wore. I put it on while he got on his horse.
“Shall we?” I said looking straight at him. He smiled. We rode off in the sun, the brutal wind blowing in our faces. Even though it was autumn the weather felt like summer, a perfect day for horse riding. Throughout our ride we met many other couples riding away like we were side by side. I’m actually happy Jase didn’t hire the whole ground I guess I liked to see other faces enjoying themselves. I admired one couple in particular, they were riding on the same horse with the female riding while the male was behind her enjoying the view. Now that was something I wanted to do with Jase. After an hour or two of riding he got tired so I took advantage on that situation and made him sit behind me on my pure white horse. I rode for ages with Jase sitting behind me, I could tell he was tired when he leaned his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my waist more securely. However I wasn’t a single bit tired.

It was like four when we stopped riding and he took me to the far end of the field. This end of the field was like an open restaurant. There was small roofless hut where a few people were making food, some people were serving while others were ordering. We took a seat on the bench in the corner and ordered. The food wasn’t exactly five star food but it was finger-licking. After we ate we took a long walk down the park that was just across the rider’s field.
“Thanks Jase, today was incredible” I said with our hands intertwined as we walked past the bright yellow and red trees.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it” he smiled, I felt his body tighten.
“Jase is something bothering you?” I asked stopping and looking straight at him. His eyes didn’t meet mine. He hesitated.
“Can I ask you something?” he said this time looking at me, his voice hard but eyes soft.
“Say if there was something wrong with me… would you leave me?” I looked at him confused. Something in his eyes told me he wasn’t telling me the full story.
“You’re going to have to be more specific” my muscles constricted.
“I don’t know like if I had some kind of deadly disea…” I cut him off before he could say anything further.
“Firstly, don’t say stuff like that and Jase why would I leave if I love you. I’m serious about you and nothing will come in our way” I said smiling. We carried on walking but I knew there’s was more to his question. We stayed quiet through the rest of the day.

“I’ll see you tomorrow” he said as I got ready to get out of the car. I opened the door and got out waiting for him to say something but instead he just waved then drove off. That was the first time Jase acted like that, ever since he asked his question he hadn’t said a word. I began to get a bad feeling about what he was actually trying to say. I opened the house door and found it empty, I slowly locked the door then went to my room. Mag and Dave didn’t come back till late night, they were either really busy at work or they must have gone to get a bite to eat together.
“How you feeling hun?” Dave asked coming into my room not turning the light on.
“I’m okay” I whispered through the blanket that covered most of my face.
“Alright, you get some rest. Let us know if you need anything” he said kissing my forehead then left the room. I stared at the roof for over an hour then eventually fell asleep lost in my thoughts.

The next day I had a lot of catching up to do in college. Most of the day I was either copying work from someone or discussing my work with the teacher. After college I went straight to the library; surprisingly Jase was already in the working room. He had just started university so no wonder he was working otherwise I’m sure he wouldn’t even look at a science book. Jase was going to Merrell University of Beauty Arts and Science.  
“How was Uni?” I asked pecking him on the lips. His lips felt so right against mine.
“Nerve-wracking. It’s only my first day and already I’m loaded with work” he said flipping through pages in a folder. I sat beside him, put my bag on the chair next to me and put my hand on his shoulder.
“Any way I can help?” his wide eyes flushed with hope. He shook his head.
“I need to make notes from that, could you do that while I do the drawing bit?” his discreet voice said handing me the five inch book. I looked at it; I had never seen a book that thick and I read a lot of books. I looked at him and helplessly smiled, agreeing to help make he notes. We sat for at least two hours just concentrating hard. Jase had played some loud music to keep us motivated and it did help a lot, because if it wasn’t for the awfully loud music I would have been half asleep ages ago. 

Time ticked away. While writing the notes I needed to draw a small diagram in order to explain the point I was making; as I reached for the only pencil on the deck, Jase too reached for it and accidently put his hand on mine. Instantly the sharp shivers shot down my back.
“Did you feel that?” I said doubtless that he felt it too.
“I don’t know maybe I should touch you again and see” he said and smiled that flirty smile. I looked at him, eyes wide.
“Just do your work” I said taking the pencil and began to draw a circle. I looked at it and Jase’s eyes followed. No wonder Jase didn’t tell me to draw, I couldn’t even draw a simple circle. He burst into laughter, almost falling of his chair. I ended up laughing myself.
“Here let me show you how to draw a circle” he said still laughing. He leaned in towards me and held my hand which was holding the pencil. Even though I held Jase’s hand often his gentle touch made me tremble. I looked at him lost in his eyes as he held my hand, moving the pencil. His eyes met mine directing mine to look at the paper. I looked down to find a perfectly drawn circle. I smiled at him still lost in those big eyes.

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