Chapter 16 - Confession

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Chapter 16 - Confession

Libby's P.O.V

I looked at him while we ate quietly. I began thinking, thinking about how my life was before I met Jason. To come to think of it he was the greatest thing that could ever happen to me. Just then while I was lost in my thoughts Jason got up from his chair. 
“I want to show you something” he held his hand out for me, we exchanged looks then I took it elegantly. We walked outside hand in hand until we stopped. My eyes widened. I was flabbergasted. It was a small white pavilion. It was dark outside so I couldn’t see it clearly but when we walked towards it I gained a better view. Then I realised it was just a pavilion it was a dance pavilion. Jason opened the double doors made of glass, which had a flower pattern engraved on it. I looked inside stunned by the view. The pavilion had small tea light candles laid on the edged, circling the ground. The candles illuminated the wide space. Suddenly I heard soft music filling the atmosphere. I turned around to find Jason standing in front of me with his hand held out and his head high.
“May I have this dance?” he asked softly, his voice filled the room, my breathing increased.
“Of course”. With our hands joined I placed my free hand on his shoulder while he placed his hand on my waist. Our eyes met, having his face inches away from mine gave me the butterflies. We waltzed around the room using only the middle of the huge pavilion. I let Jason lead and I had to admit he was a dazzling dancer. We danced for who knows how long; we stayed quiet most of the time but kept our eyes locked with one another.

“Lobster… I have something to say” he said softly still holding me tight. I nodded, our hands realised. I blinked. Jason was kneeling. He was on his knee and held my hand in his. “I want to confess something to you” he said this time a little louder. I could tell he was nervous as I saw the sweat on his forehead, his hands felt warm around mine. He paused. I held my position. “I’m in love with you” he said delicately. His words pierced through my body straight to my heart.
“Jason” I said the only word that came out. He chuckled. His dimples more prominent than ever.
“I am” he said. He was glaring at me, I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where… and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I love you in this way because I don’t know any other way of loving you but this, in which there is no you or I, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate that when I fall asleep your eyes close… And I am in love with you. Libby will …. Will…” his head fell to the ground. I looked at the floor and saw small water droplets. Tears ran down my checks. I bent down so I was facing him and lifted his head up towards mine. His watery eyes; the reason for him not being able to finish his question.  

My words were lost too but I remember something my mother thought me; words weren’t always needed. I leaned further in, closing the gap between our lips so they could touch. Delicately. Affectionately. We breathed in our souls and our love into each other through that kiss. That kiss; unbreakable, but soft; fiery but cool; a split second but also forever. In that one kiss, I knew what and who I wanted. Jason. There was no longer a need to be subtle. The last question had been answered before it ever got to be asked.
“Does that answer your un-finished question” I whispered as my lips released his. He smiled wiping the tears from his eyes. “And you said I’m emotional” I said laughing he joined in with me. We walked back to the house hand in hand. It was nearly midnight when we got inside and I had a text from Mag.

“Jason I should go home” I whispered my voice still trying to find its way out. I looked at him.
“You know you could stay over…I don’t mind sharing my bed” he simpered at me
“I’m sure you wouldn’t” I said picking up his keys. “Shall we?” I said going towards the door. He groaned then gloomily grabbed his jacket and went outside. The drive home was quiet but it gave me a light feeling. I felt like I didn’t have to hide my feelings for Jason anymore. We could be as close to each other as our hearts desire. “Jason, Dave?” I asked when we were nearly home. The idea of Dave finding out about us gave me the chills.
“Don’t worry. We won’t tell him or anyone anytime soon” he said. He leaned in and put his hand on my check. Automatically his lips found mine, sparks shooting out from us, bringing back the shivers. He released me and began to play with the stands of hair on my shoulder. “Good night” he said. I hugged him then opened the car. Just as I was about to get out I felt Jason’s hand hold my wrist. I turned to see his eyes on me. “I love you” he said. I smiled and got out the car, closing the door behind me.
“Me too” I said loud enough for him to hear me. I heard his sigh. I looked back to see Jason’s head leaning against the head seat with his soft eyes looking at me. His eyes never left my back.

HeartacheOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora