Purple Thursday

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08:00 Local Time 05/14/2014 – City 777 Emergency Services Call Centre Transcript. Presented as evidence to Mulcahey Commission investigation into events surrounding “Purple Thursday”.

Brief Description: Male reported missing

Approximate location: Blackthorn Terrace, Upper East Side.

Possible Injuries: 1

Caller Name: Linda Nairn

Caller Phone Number: 676 - XXX – XXXX

777 dispatcher:  You've called 777, What's the nature of your emergency?

Caller:  (sounding very upset) My husband's kinda missing!

777:  OK, where's your address, ma'am?

Caller:  Forty Five Blackthorn Terrace

777:  Forty nine?

Caller:  (increasingly agitated) Forty five! Forty five!

777:  OK, OK, ma'am, forty five. I have to check the details so we can get the best response crew  to you. Now how old is your husband?

Caller: How old is my husband? What the hell kinda question is that? (shouting) He's missing!  What's his age got to do with it?

777:  I'm sorry ma'am, I really have to ask these questions. We really do need this information.  Could you please tell me his age?

Caller:  Forty five!

777:  Forty nine? Was that forty nine, ma'am?

Caller:  (shouting) Forty five, he's goddamn forty five!

777:   And his name?

Caller:  Ford.

777:  What's that? Four?

Caller:  Ford! Ford D Nairn!

777:  Forty nine? Was that forty nine, ma'am? Have I got that right?

Caller:  (screaming) Ford...D...Nairn!

777:  Sorry ma'am it's a very bad line.

Caller: (crying) I'm sorry but I'm having to call on the land-line and I don't think the reception's too good where I am.

777:  Where are you, ma'am?

Caller:  I'm on the roof.

777:  On the roof? Look, we'll get a crew to you as soon as we can but we need to know more information. Ma'am, when did you last see your husband?

Caller:  He was feeding Smoochums, our pet hedgehog.

777:   And he's missing?

Caller:   Kinda.

777:  Kinda? I'm not sure I can help you. We don't normally handle missing persons. That's the job of City Police. I can put you through if you like.

Caller:   No, no! I need a rapid response crew! He's kinda missing but I also kinda know where he is.

777:  Where is he, ma'am?

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