Chat room pt.2

132 3 21

Tsmoogi added 15 people to the chat.

Made out with Kaede: what this?

Shoved a glass
bottle in their ass: oh no.

Is actually really nice: OOF-

Praise me: F

SHL lesbian:Let's get the obvious ones out of the way.

70% coffee: like who?

SHL lesbian: well pure boi is Gonta, shoved a glass bottle in their ass is Miu (walked in on that one) great ass is Rantaro and kissed kokichi is Shuichi.

Tsmoogi changed 3 names.

Miu: well fuck-

Rantaro: wait mine was a secret?

70% coffee: only three?

Kissed kokichi: ya...

SHL lesbian: wtf

70% coffee: Wait... WHAT!

Is actually really nice:Um...

Kissed kokichi: it was a long time ago?

70% coffee: Babe you told me I was your first kiss!

Kissed kokichi: In his defense we found vodka in the kitchen. We went up to the roof and drank for a bit. Then I kissed him. It doesn't count. So don't loose your shit Shuichi I'm sorry. :(

Tsmoogi changed 70% coffee name to confused and hurt emo

Praise me: kekeke interesting... Humanity is truly beautiful.

Is actually really nice: korekiyo.

Tsmoogi changed Praise me's name to S E E S A W.

has a dick: what's going on?

Has a dick: wait wot-

Miu: kiibo.

Tsmoogi changed has a dicks' name to Kiibo

Made out with Kaede: is kokichi partying in his room?

Kissed kokichi: I think so?

Made out with Kaede: SHL lesbian is Kaede.

Tsmoogi changed SHL lesbians' name to Piano gurl

Piano gurl: gotta love the pussy.

Miu: yup.

Needs a break: what is wrong with our lives?

Gonta: Gonta doesn't understand?

Needs a break: please. Never grow up Gonta.

Is actually really nice: Needs a break is Mom!

Is actually really nice: Wait fuck-

Tsmoogi changed Needs a break to Kirumi

Kirumi: kokichi does help me with baking,cleaning and is respectful... Is 'is actually really nice,' kokichi?

Tsmoogi changed is actually really nices' name to Good rat boi

Made out with Kaede:...

Kissed kokichi:...



Piano gurl:...

Good rat boi: IT'S A LIE! ÒwÓ

Tsmoogi:, no. No it's not. You are a good boi that loves two other good Bois and you good boy also likes the other good boy and the other good boy likes you both.

Kissed kokichi: STFU tsmoogi.

Made out with Angie: tenko is confused. Why is this Tenkos secret? Tenko, Angie, and Yumeno have been in a relationship together for 3 months.

Will cuddle with you for 10$: You are tenko. Nyeh.

Made out with Angie: and you are my cute cuddly Yumeno.

Tsmoogi changed 2 names

Tenko: :3

Sleepy: '~'

Makes dolls: Atua bless you!

Tenko: Angie!

Tsmoogi changed changed Makes dolls' name to  Angie.

Angie: ^~^

Piano gurl: well that leaves Hoshi, Haruwaka, and Kaito.

Craves affection: don't bring me into this. I'm busy. I'm at the tennis court.

Craves affection:... Wait FU-

Piano gurl: well that's Hoshi.

Tsmoogi has changed Craves affections' name to Midget

Gonta: Don't worry Hoshi! Gonta will cuddle with you!


Good rat boi: lol that's gay.

Confused and hurt emo: Babe we've been dating for almost a year...

Good rat boi: lol we're gay.

Confused and hurt emo: no u.

Good rat boi: GASP! Also made out with Kaede is Maki.

Tsmoogi changed made out with Kaedes' name to MAKIROLL

MAKIROLL: but that means...

MAKIROLL: Kaito. You kissed a rat?

Kissed kokichi: yes...

Tsmoogi changed kissed kokichis' name to star boy.

Tsmoogi: well this has been interesting! Bye guys and gals!

14 people have left the chat.

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