Chapter Three

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One month later...

You're in the library, organizing some books on the top of a ladder. Suddenly, you see Draco walking around.

—Hey Malfoy! Be nice and hand me that book —you point at a book on a table next to him.

—I'm not your house-elf, (Y/L/N)!

You giggle shyly. Draco tries his best not to laugh and hands you the book, and you notice that he keeps standing there, looking at you.

—Are you gonna stay there looking at my underwear or are you gonna help me get down?

Draco blushes so hard and looks away, but gives you an unexpected answer:

—Jump! I'll catch you!

—If you let me fall down, I swear to Merlin...

—Come on! Don't you trust me? —He winks.

You totally melt. How could you say no?

You smile and jump. He catches you by your legs and you lay your hands on his shoulders. Gravity does the rest. You slip down slowly and his hands end up underneath your school skirt.

Draco and you blush so hard. You find yourselves in a position that, without a doubt, more than one is going to envy.

By luck, there is nobody around. Your hearts start beating so fast and you start feeling butterflies in your tummy.

You grab his tie and lean against the ladder as you pull him closer to you. He smiles and doesn't resist. You feel the tip of his nose brushing yours. You close your eyes and feel his soft lips brushing yours. He drops the sweetest and tenderest of kisses on your lips as he snakes his arms around your waist.

It's your first kiss.

You kiss him back as you wrap your hands around his neck. He pulls his lips away gently and looks deeply into your eyes, and you get lost into his beautiful grey eyes.

—Wow! —You both say at unison. It was his first kiss too.

—Is it ok if I kiss you again? —He asks.

—As many times as you crave —you answer.

That's all he wanted to hear, so he leans in and goes for a deeper kiss. You enjoy the moment as you melt in his arms.

—I didn't know you were that romantic —you tell him sweetly. His cheeks flush.

—I never thought I would find the right girl —he replies. You blush and smile.

—Do you mean that I'm the right girl?

—I knew it since the day you visited me in the hospital —he tells you sweetly. You caress his beautiful face and he melts into your touch.

—I like you so much, Dray.

—I like you so much too, (Y/N/N).

This is the first time that you call each other that way.

—Would you like us to be sweethearts? —He asks you sweetly.

Your cheeks flush. You don't feel butterflies in your tummy anymore. You feel fireworks.

—More than anything —you answer.

A beautiful smile blooms across his face. He leans in until his forehead touches yours. You feel his warm breath on your lips as he brushes his soft lips against yours.

—It will be our secret —he whispers against your lips and kisses you again...

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