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I WIPED THE TEARS sliding down my cheeks as I ran down the halls of the hospital, next to my boyfriend, the rest of the gang following behind us.

"Here it is," Soda stopped me, turning to the door on the left. "Room 213."

I busted in dramatically, only to find Sara peacefully asleep, her old man sitting in the chair across from her, reading the papers. He looks up at us, his piercing blue eyes just the same as her's, and gave us a small, weary smile.

"Come on in."

We slowly walked in, walking on egg shells. Dally was sure to stand as far away from from Andrew as possibly, knowing that he didn't like him, and that now was probably one of the worst times to piss him off.

Sara's father was by no means strict and not one to judge another person. But, Dally was the exception. He hated that she hung out with him and wouldn't even let him into the house.

She stirred awake from the small rustle we were making. I immediately walked over, crouching down beside of her. Sara stretched her arms above her head with a grunt before looking over at me. She smiles softly, reaching over and wiping my face. "Aww, don't cry."

"You scared me," I explained, smiling although a sob left my lips. She chortled in response with an apology. As soon as that laugh was in the air, the tension faded away. The silence stopped and the gang started quietly speaking and laughing.

Dally walks over to the other side of the bed, quickly wrapping his arms under. She hugged him back, her hands finding their way to his skin under the black shirt he wore. She was so into him.

"What're you doin' here?" He mumbled into her shoulder. They pulled apart and she stared at him in a confused manner, almost as if figuring out why she was there.

"I, um," she held onto his arms as he towered over her. "I don't know! I think I blacked out?" She looked to her dad.

"Seizure," he answered.

"Seizure! That's it! Sorry, I couldn't remember... y'know... because of the seizure."

"Why'd you have a seizure?" Soda asked from beside me.

"I'm not sure. I've never had one before."


I HEARD A SOFT knock on the door before a doctor came in.

"I need to speak to Sara Cross alone."

"No, no, it's fine," I reassured her, sitting up as Dally sat on the bed next to me. "They can stay."

"As long as you're comfortable with them hearing any of your personal information," she replied, almost like a question. I nodded and she continued. "According to your father, it seems that you had symptoms of a seizure induced by pain or stress. You don't have a history of epilepsy, do you?" I shook my head. "Have you had any severe pains of some sort?"

"I've had some pretty bad stomach aches for the past few years. I never really told anybody because I didn't think it was important."

"How often are they?"

"Just about everyday." She gives me a peculiar look.

"Are you regularly getting your period?" I shake my head. "How often are you getting them?"

"'Bout every three months, maybe?"

"Sounds to me like you may have something called PCOS. Do you know what that is?" Of course I didn't. "It's Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. If you don't get some help as soon as possible, you may have trouble getting pregnant in the future. Do you plan on having children?" Dally placed his arm around me, rubbing his thumb on my shoulder.

"I have no idea."

"I'll refer you to another doctor to run some tests in a few weeks." She scribbles something down on her clipboard. "Stay here. The psychiatrist will be here in a few."



THE PSYCHIATRIST HAD diagnosed me with something called BPD or Bipolar Disorder. He'd filled me a prescription and sent me on my way. BPD was also something my mom had, and they figured I got it from her, though it also could've stemmed from trauma. He said I was stressed from the overthinking, which is a symptom.

"Sara?" My father asked as soon as we were in the house alone. I flopped onto the couch. "Why was Dallas there?"

I looked at him before scoffing. "Seriously? I have PCOS and BPD, which is, like, a lot of letters, and your biggest concern is why Dally was there?"

"There you go, tryin' to make me the bad guy. Why was he there?"

"Because he's my friend!"

"Sara," he walked over to me from the kitchen, crouching down in front of my knees. "He's not your friend, he's a hoodlum. He's using you, okay? That's what men do. I would know, I was 'round guys like him, too. And I know you don't wanna hear that, but I'm just lookin' out for your wellbeing, sweetheart."

I groaned in annoyance, storming off to my room and slamming the door behind me.

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