Chapter 25: Sweet Emotion

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With one last pull of the razor, Drake's face was smooth and within regulation. He used a towel to wipe off any excess shaving cream before throwing a white t-shirt over his head. Opening his closet, he pulled out his freshly pressed Dress Blues, and laid them on the bed.

He stepped into the royal blue pants with a red stripe lining the sides, pulling them up over his strong legs. The wounds he procured during his deployment were healed, leaving minor scarring thanks to Anis' expert stitch-job. The black coat adorned with medals and ribbons of his past accomplishments had two new additions since he last wore it.

Because of his triumphant survival against all odds during his deployment, the Marine Corps awarded Drake an achievement medal and a Purple Heart. The new commendations would serve as a reminder of the longest three weeks of his life – not that he needed it. And even though what he went through to receive them was traumatic and life-threatening, the new medals would forever decorate his chest proving his resilience and steadfastness as a Marine and as a person.

A month had passed since his return, and a lot had happened. True to his word, Bastien worked tirelessly to help reinstate Drake back into the Marine Corps as well as with the U.S. government. He had also worked it out so Drake and Bragnae could keep the $400,000 she was given from his life insurance – an unexpected, but incredible gesture.

Major General Constantine Reese and Colonel Godfrey Karlington faced irrefutable evidence of their heinous acts against fellow comrades in their court-martial trials, and pled guilty. They were both stripped of their titles and given dishonorable discharges from the Marine Corps before being sent to prison.

Despite Colonel Karlington's conspiring and malicious intentions, the Marine Corps honored his word allowing Drake to be removed from any more deployments for an entire year. He would only have six months left on his contract after that year was up, basically guaranteeing Drake would never have to deploy again for the remainder of his enlistment.

Even though serving oversees was part of why he signed up in the first place, Drake felt he had enough excitement from deploying to last a lifetime. And the life he planned to live would be one without chicanery and attempted murder plots, rather, it would be full of unbridled happiness and love.

Drake stepped into a pair of black shoes so shiny he could see his reflection in them. He buttoned up the polyester and wool uniform coat, and clasped a white belt over the top to complete the look. The scarlet trim on the coat helped to define its unique features.

Walking over to a mirror, Drake looked himself over, making sure his uniform was stellar – of course it was. He hadn't worn his Dress Blues since the night he took Bragnae to the Marine Corps Ball, and now he would marry her in it.

It had taken a week or so to officially bring Drake back to life through paperwork and government systems, which delayed their ability to apply for a marriage license. Today, however, was finally the day he'd exchange lifelong vows with the woman he loved after so many obstacles had stood in their way.

A knock sounded at the door before Liam stepped through. "Drake?"

Drake stepped back into the main room to see his best friend standing in his Dress Blues as well. Liam's uniform was slightly different than his. Since he was an officer, Liam's coat was all black, and he wore white pants instead of blue.

"Hey, you're just in time." Drake tugged at his collar, and straightened his coat. "What do you think? Does my uniform look okay?"

Liam walked closer to visually inspect him. "Looks good, Marine." He clapped him on the shoulder before offering a gift bag to Drake.

"What's this for?"

"Just a little something I thought you'd appreciate." Liam smiled.

Drake set the bag down on his desk, and pulled out a bottle of Jameson Irish Whiskey. "Ah, my favorite. Thanks, man." He beamed looking back at Liam. "How about we open this up, and have a shot?"

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