Chapter 18: Back in the Saddle

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Drake left the collaboration room where it had been decided that he and Chuck move out before sunrise the next morning. The ground team had discovered the Ace of Spades had moved once again to a new location, but they knew exactly where he was. Tomorrow would be the day.

Just two days into his deployment, Drake was already wishing he was back home. He missed Bragnae, and was grateful the colonel gave him and Chuck the rest of the night off to rest up for the next day. He knew exactly what he'd do with his time.

After a quick, luke-warm shower, Drake headed over to the media center at Camp Leatherneck. He sent Bragnae an email hoping she was available to video chat. It was 7:00 p.m. her time on a Friday night. He couldn't exactly be upset if she was busy, but he hoped nonetheless.

He played around on other sites, occasionally refreshing his inbox until he received a response back from his fiancée. Drake smiled when he read that she just needed ten minutes, and then she'd be ready to call him. He took that time to bring up Skype, and put his earphones in, as well as send off a short, but thoughtful reply to his mother's email letting her know he was doing well, and he'd call her as soon as he got back to Japan.

He and Bragnae had called his mother a few days after they got engaged, but she was already inquiring about more details – especially when she would be able to officially meet Bragnae. According to what his future bride had suggested, their wedding would be small, so he didn't think or expect his mom to travel to Okinawa. Perhaps they could swing by Texas on their way down to Mexico for the honeymoon. He'd iron out those logistics when he wasn't in the desert on standby waiting to kill a sadistic terrorist.

The familiar sound of Skype alerting him of an incoming call made his heart skip a beat. Drake couldn't wait to see Bragnae. He needed a reboot from all of the stress from the past two days, and he knew she'd do that for him. He clicked the button to answer the call, and soon her beautiful face filled the screen. He smiled brightly.

"Hey baby, how you doin'?" He asked, staring at the clearest image that Skype had ever provided him. It was almost as if she were there in person.

"My man!" She exclaimed. "You are looking fine. Look at how clear this video is!"

Drake laughed. "Yeah, but don't jinx it. There's not a ton of people using the internet right now, so I think that's what's working in our favor."

"I'll take what I can get," she said, flipping her long, black hair over her shoulder. "So, how is it so far?"

Drake couldn't help but stare at her. She was wearing a low cut red top that accentuated her perfect breasts. She had added a few curls to her hair as one side of it still hung down, casually resting on the curves of her chest.

"It's alright. I'm missing you like crazy, though."

"I miss you too. Really bad. Hopefully, you'll be home soon," she told him.

"It won't be too much longer, sweetheart." His eyes were drawn to her crimson lips, and he instantly longed to kiss them. But her lips also jogged his memory. "I loved your letter, Bragnae. It was the best one yet."

"You did? What do you think about our wedding plans?" She asked with a sincere smile.

"They're perfect. Everything you picked out is what I want too."

"Really? And you're okay with sharing your secret spot?" Her eyes sparkled with her excitement.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you."

Bragnae smiled brightly. "Aww, Drake. You're so sweet."

He loved to see her happy – that smile of hers always made him melt inside. "I was thinking before we fly to Mexico, maybe we could stop in Texas for a day or two to see my mom and sister. They're dying to meet you."

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