Chapter 8: Don't Waste the Night

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Bragnae and Drake spent the rest of their week off together running through more self-defense moves, cooking, swimming in the ocean, and watching movies when they weren't delighting in each other's bodies, which was quite often.

After the whole ordeal with Leo, Bragnae and Drake's relationship reached a new level. They were essentially living with each other for several days, learning each other's idiosyncrasies, which they oddly found comfort in. It felt as if they were always meant to share a space with one another. As with everything else, living with Drake felt more natural than breathing.

Drake was amazing. He made everything better anyway, but spending this precious time together helped Bragnae to move past the trauma she endured just a few short days ago. Drake was gentle, he was caring, and he kept Bragnae laughing. She felt no fear when he was around, and even felt more confident than ever. Sticking to his word, Drake taught her both defensive and offensive moves, which made her feel like she was worthy and competent.

He helped raise her confidence to the level it was at after she left basic training, when she felt like she was on top of the world. She could do anything, be anything. Then she met Leo, and her life stood still for a while. Drake had revived her again, and only in such a short amount of time. If an incredible man, like Drake, wanted to be with her, then she must have done something to earn his affection. And she wasn't going to throw it away.

Tomorrow would bring Bragnae's first day back to work. She wasn't ready, but it wasn't because she was afraid to be on her own again, or embarrassed at what her co-workers might say or what they might have heard – although those thoughts had crossed her mind. She wasn't ready to leave Drake. If it were up to her in that moment, Bragnae would opt to live with Drake in a heartbeat. Despite the short span of their relationship, it just felt right to her. Of course, she didn't know if Drake wanted that, and there was that rule the commander set about living on base for the first three months after moving to Okinawa.

Maybe it was for the best – to give her more time to spend with Drake before they took their relationship to a new level. After all, they hadn't even said those three little words to each other yet. Moving in together seemed out of place before they shared those words with one another. Even though Bragnae and Drake would undoubtedly spend time together throughout the week coming up, she already knew it wouldn't be enough time. She needed Drake around her always. Playing 'house' with a free week of leave was better than any vacation she could have taken, and it seemed Drake felt the same way.

It was Sunday afternoon, and Drake and Bragnae were seated on his bed, playing a heated game of Battleship. Each of them held a battle case in their lap facing the other with their legs crossed beneath them.

Drake looked down at his board, and peered over his gridded battlefield giving Bragnae a confident look. "D-3," he announced proudly.

Bragnae threw her head back in defeat. "Ugh! You sunk my cruiser! How are you doing this?"

Drake laughed. "Come on, Bragnae. Make the noise."

Bragnae narrowed her eyes at him before making an exaggerated explosion sound with her mouth. "Damn it, Drake. You're so good at this. You won, again."

"Don't mess with the master! I always think strategically, so you'll need to up your game if you ever want to come close to beating me," Drake taunted.

Before Bragnae could retort, there was a knock at the door. They exchanged puzzled looks before Drake got up to answer it. When he opened the door, he was greeted by Liam.

"Hey, Liam. What's going on?" Drake asked.

"Nice to see you, Drake. May I come in?" Liam replied.

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