♠Two. Deadly Smoke ♠

Start from the beginning

He starts to choke up blood stepping back watching him suffer but I just happened to notice he's not normal meaning he was possessed because if a human had my toxic smoke in their mouth they would die instantly but a supernatural creature or whatever they would choke on their own blood just like he is right now which means I just killed a newbie, oh well I'm not going to shed a tear over it  his body shakes uncontrollably "Nope" saying taking a huge step back because I know what's about to happen.

There is no way in hell I'm going to get hit with guts or blood especially with my new leather jacket I don't think so he lets out a dying scream rolling my eyes okay now just die already I don't have time for all this clutching my fist he body explodes instantly as his flesh disintegrates into ash a chilling wind blows "Oh well" saying walking into the shadows, memory start flowing back from that night...The night I made the deal with the devil the same night I got my revenge for my family was it satisfying? Yes it was because they did nothing wrong!

"Du bist immer in meinem Herzen. Auch wenn es nicht schlägt"-Your always in my heart. Even if it isn't beating-saying looking up at the moon thinking about my family until I feel a soul floating around not that far away chuckling darkly, oh well it's my job to send it on its way before it's known as a lingering soul and they are a pain in the ass to deal with.

Stepping out the shadows holding my hand out pulling the soul towards me "Thank you" it whispers while floating upwards raising my eyebrow slightly okay well that's a first time I've ever had a soul thank me for sending them on their way usually they scream 'no' or 'I'm not ready' shaking my head as I begin to walk down the road on this cold night, "Anya" hearing a muffled voice say which stops me dead in my tracks who the fuck is saying my little roses name out their mouth? Do they need to get their ass handed to them?

Seeing two of Luca's friends walking down the road heading towards the liquor store then it hits me I've got to call her smiling reaching in my pocket pulling out my phone it was so cute to see her all worked up about my safety although she really doesn't have to I'm pretty capable of holding my own I've done so for centuries, the phone starts to ring which seems to be taking it's sweet ass time it literally irritates the hell out of me honestly I like to have a conversation face to face but it seems nowadays technology takes over it's a shame really after two rings she picks up but I can hear nothing but music blasting in the background.

"Hello?" hearing her beautiful Angelic voice just makes my cock twitch some of my jeans damn it I need to control myself "Hello Anya" answering back there's a pauses and I can hear a bit of movement "Grim? That you" she asks shaking my head chuckling she is just something else "Yes it's me" saying as I glanced around just making sure that there's no more souls lingering trying to escape my grasp, noticing known are lingering that's my cue to wander around for a bit to see what kind of trouble or fights are going when it's a Friday night something's happening.

"You okay? Grim hold on... What? No I'm not going to go on a date with you back the hell up..." hearing her say to someone in the background clenching my fist doing my absolute best not to snap, who the fuck is daring to ask my little rose out? She's my soulmate!

"I'm coming back over" saying in the calmest voice as possible because on the inside I'm fuming "Okay" she says well that was easy I didn't expect that but hey it works for me that I can also see who in the hell is trying to ask her out, because their ass is in for a rude awakening once I get there which is only a 5 minutes away give or take.

The shadows attend to help when I'm on a mission especially when it comes to my little rose when I need to watch her popping out to alleyway that we were in "Shit fuck" saying noticing my smoke still swirling at my feet closing my eyes feeling it being sucked back into my body I can't have her seeing me like this not yet at least it's to soon I just got to remember to take it one step at a time, although everything in me is screaming just to take her now but I'm a gentleman when it comes to her others not so much I'm a complete asshole to them I openly admit it I've seen so much shit over the centuries most people can't even comprehend.

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