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"Write your wish on a piece of parchment

And place it in a little bottle.

If you let it flow with the sea, someday

Your wish will come true."

"Mother, look!" 4 year old Rin went up to her mother with a bird in her hands.

"That's nice, dear. Now why don't you set it free and go play with your brother while mother and father talk."

"Okay..." She ran outside to go find her twin after setting the bird free.

Len was on the beach staring out at the water.

"What are you doing?" Rin stared at the water, but she couldn't see what he was looking at.

Len jumped a little and faced her. "Nothing. I'm just making a wish."

"A wish?" Rin was confused and a little interested. Why would her brother want to wish for something? Wasn't he happy with what he had?

"If you put your wish on parchment and put it in a bottle then put it in the water, your wish will come true! At least, that's what I heard."

"What did you wish for?"

Len was about to reply when their parents went over to them. "Rin, come with me."

"But why, Mother? Is Len coming too?" Rin didn't want to go anywhere without her brother, especially if it was somewhere fun.

The adults shared a look. "No darling, this is a mother and daughter thing."

"Okay..." Rin tried to not look sad as Father went to get the carriage ready.

"When will you be back?" Len wanted to know so he could play with his twin again. Without her, he felt incomplete, like something was missing.

"In a little while. Why don't you two come to the carriage with me?"

The twins followed her to the carriage and saw their father put bags in the back. "Why does father have all those bags?"

"Because we might be doing our thing for a while." She didn't want Rin to know what she was doing, or how long they would be gone.

"Okay...bye Len!" She gave her brother a hug which he returned, then his sibling and mother got into the carriage. He watched it pull away and turned to his father.


He looked up at his father. "Yes, father?"

"How would you like to serve the princess?"

(A/N: This isn't the best thing ever, but I didn't know how to start this. I think Len tells Rin about the "sea of woe" thing when they're older, but I made them younger and before they got separated. Also that bird was a reference to the Servant of Evil pv's. I felt bad for that bird...Anyway, see you next Wednesday!)

Written on: February 5, 2020

Story of Evil I: Daughter of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now