Chapter Twelve - Another Enemy

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"That's my best technology," Orm cried, recognizing it right away, once he had recovered somewhat from the blast, to no one in particular. 

"Aurelia!" Before Orm could rush to her aid, he was surrounded by guards - his own guards. 

"I order you to stand down," he commanded the guard who held a blade to his neck.

"Prince Orm, you have been charged with high treason. Your father has stripped you of your title, we no longer take orders from you." 

Orm responded by grabbing the soldier's weapon and attacking the guards. 

Meanwhile, the main attacker, in the black armour with a giant helmet and large red eye sockets, was focused on Aurelia while the other guards handled Orm. 

"Who the hell are you and how did I manage to piss you off?" Aurelia stumbled to her feet. 

"Maybe this'll jog your memory-" A blade shot out from the man's gauntlet - like a pirate sword.

"You're the guy from the sub." Her mission before all this Atlantis business. The pirate she had left for dead. This was his son, coming to seek revenge.  And he'd had help from her enemies in Atlantis, it would seem. 

"Why don't you go tell Orvax that if he wants me dead that badly, he'll have to do it himself."

"Not if I get to it first!" He lunged forward. 

As they fought, Aurelia tried to catch sight of Orm, somewhere, anywhere, but she had no luck.  She had no idea where he was, and could only hope he was okay.

 A blast from the man's suit shot her back - she held up her arms for defence.  When she landed, both her arms were badly burnt, even through her shirt sleeves. 

"You may have been victorious before, but now I have Atlantean tech on my side. Call me - BLACK MANTA!"

"AHH!" She let out a cry when his sword stabbed her right in the shoulder. 

The next blast sent her shooting right off the cliffside - and right through the roof of one of the cottages below. And elderly Italian woman was sitting on her couch, staring at Aurelia now lying on her floor.

"Scusa," she apologized, before having to take off to avoid the pirate again. 

He blasted her again, sending her sliding across the rooftops. "You owe me blood!"

"AURELIA!" Across the village, she could just make out blasts from the other Atlantean weapons, shooting after Orm as he raced across the rooftops. 

The next blast struck the bell tower, the bell giving a great, echoing RING!, echoing across the whole town.  The impact of the blast sent the giant, heavy bell bouncing down the hillside towards the street, where people were rushing about in the chaos. The bell picked up speed, rolling towards the people, right in the path of a little girl.

 The little girl from earlier at the fountain! "NO!" Aurelia dove in just in the nick of time, bumping the giant bell aside with her shoulder. She was definitely going to have a massive bruise on her shoulder after this. The girl's father picked her up and carried her into the church. 

A nearby man was trapped under a large chunk of rubble, so Aurelia rushed to his aid, managing to lift the slab of stone just enough for him to crawl out and join his family in the church. Luckily, he didn't seem to be injured.

"Everyone inside the church!" she called, ushering everyone inside. God, they were sure making a mess of beautiful Sicily. 

"We'll pray for you!" a trio of nuns cried to her in Italian while she ushered everyone into the church. 

"Pray for yourselves, I don't need it," she replied. A blast shot right over her head.  "You know, maybe on second thought, I do need it."

Another blast struck her, this one so powerful it sent her smashing through the wall of a nearby building.


"Orm!" For once she was relieved to see him. It looked as though he had gone crashing through the roof. 

"Are you okay?" They helped each other get to their feet. 

"Well, still alive, so that's good."

"No, you're hurt," he cried, noticing her blood-stained shirt.

"Oh, yeah, well, this isn't over yet." She was growing weary. 

"The guards are coming," Orm alerted her. "We're outnumbered and weaponless."



She looked around them.  "We're in a wine shop - liquid."  She grabbed a nearby bottle, yanking the cork out with her teeth and taking a hearty gulp.  "Huh, not bad - I'm more of a beer girl myself, but this is pretty good.  Would prefer to drink it but at least it won't be going to waste."


"I've been working on my hydrokinesis," was all the explanation she gave him. She stretched out her arms; the bottles began to tremble. 

Then, all at once, the bottles shattered, causing a burst of dark red liquid to surround them.  Aurelia caught it with hydrokinesis, concentrating all into one handful, before launching it at the guards.  The liquid became shards, striking the guards like blades before dissolving back into its usual liquid form, becoming droplets that looked like blood. 

"I wanna see you try that," Aurelia said to the speechless Orm.

But the fight wasn't over - the pirate still remained. Aurelia jumped in front of Orm. 

"I'll show you the same mercy you showed my father and cut you like the fish you are!"

"AHH!" He stabbed her with a dagger, this time in the other shoulder. She managed to shove him away and yank out the dagger. 

A thick chain, part of a fence that had been destroyed in the chaos, lay at her feet.  She picked it up, swinging it around to gain momentum, before launching it at their attacker. The pirate's helmet charged up to bast again, only it did so just as the end of the chain swung around, smashing him in the face and causing the blast to backfire.  The suit's flight ability was clearly damaged, sending the man flying right into a wall before crashing down the side of the cliff into the rocky water below.

"Aurelia!" Orm raced to her side as she collapsed, covered in blood. "Hey, hey, look at me, stay with me - Aurelia, hey-"

The last thing she was conscious of was being in Orm's arms as he held her before everything faded and went dark. 

(Love love love this action scene! Mera using the wine as a weapon is just so cool so I had to include it here even though Mera isn't in this scene in my version!

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :) Also, I'm hoping to update my other Orm story in the next day or two!)

Everything To Me - Orm Marius/Ocean MasterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum