Super-duper-multi-billionaire, stuck in schoool #2

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How do you like it so far?

Chapter two:

"Shoot, sorry" he apologized after a second or two of eye staring and got off of me,

"It's alright, just help me up" He held out his hands and pulled me up, I dusted my bum and looked up, he was staring, again. I raised one eye brow, "What? Something on my face?" He shook his head, "N-no, yo-you're Mercede Jae!" He almost squealed, I saw out of the corner of my eye a few heads turned towards me, there goes the 'low down' profile. I looked at him properly, assessing him. He had black -dyed most likely- hair, the piercing blue eyes and two lip piercings (snake bites). Over all he was cute, too cute.

"Can you sign my board?" He asked me holding out his skate board

"Sure, what's your name?" I asked him, taking out my nearly run out sharpie

"Lyrik, L-Y-R-I-K" I clicked my tongue and wrote:

Nice meeting you Lyrik, hope we meet again, take care, keep smiling.

Loads of love, Mercede Jae

and signed it like I did to... the other squealy girl, ah damn I already forgot her name. "SICK! Thanks" he said and stood there looking at me, it was getting awkward..."Anyways, catch you later Lyrik" I said and waved my hand as a signal goodbye and stared walking over to Andy.

"Hey Ands, James"

"Hey M" James said with a small wave, I saw Andy open her mouth to say something but I never heard it because next second I was surrounded by a bunch of guys I saw Lyrik's wall up to, must be his friends. I couldn't hear what they were saying but I heard a lot of 'can you sign...' 'it's actually Mercede Jae' and so on.

I'm nearly deaf now, it's been maybe ten seconds before I realized what was happening.

"Excuse me?" I asked quietly but no one heard so I tried again, but this time only much louder "EXCUSE ME!" Everyone quietened down, listening to what I have to say, I looked at Andy for help and she had an unreadable expression on her face, I couldn't tell what it was, maybe annoyance because I was suppose to hang out with her and right now I'm bombarded by a bunch of hot shirtless guys? OH MY LIFE, THEY ARE SHIRTLESS! I looked around, making sure no one noticed how I was checking if they all had six packs, if not they have no right to be shirtless.

"Okay, if you want, can you please come up one at a time for me to sign... what ever you want me to sign?" I asked nicely and I saw Lyrik come up to me, "Sorry, I didn't realize... Well I didn't think... Yeah, you know right?" He said/asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's alright, it happens" I said

Maybe twenty minutes or more later I signed Micheal's converses, Josh's skateboard, Alek's bike, Tommy's t-shirt, Noel's i-pod touch, Leo's guitar, Cameron's hat, Josh's bike, Rini's sunnies, Angelo's hat, Chris's bag and his twin Xavier's bag, Taleha's [Taal-ehh-ah] t-shirt, Jerohme's dog tag and Jeremy's skate board. My sharpie is dying, bad.

"Andy, I'm so sorry!" I said once all the guys left

"Nah, it's alright you know, you're famous and all, got to expect it..." She said, obviously pissed, I sighed, I would be quite angry as well if I was her.

I dragged her to the nearest ice-cream store and brought her a extra large banana split sundae with extra nuts and extra chocolate and caramel sauce. That made her all happy and forgiving, I rolled my eyes and ate my normal sized caramel and nuts sundae. We finished eating at the same time, that told me I either ate too slow or she pretty much inhaled her food.

"Andy lets do something fun"

"Okay I got the perfect idea of fun, I wanted to do this for awhile now"

Super-duper-multi-billionaire, stuck in school.Where stories live. Discover now