Room Five

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"Welcome to Room Five. You have four hours to escape". I look around the room and notice it looks like my own room at home. I wonder how they know what my room looks like and take a step forward. But just as I do so an assortment of objects appear before me including a bed, a piece of paper, an alarm clock, and something covered by a pillow case. I walk over to the objects and pick up the paper it says, " You have made it to Room Five, Congratulations! You have three items before you,  pick wisely. We will give you one hint: Do not take the cover off till you have rested." Till I have rested? Whats that mean?, I think to myself. I suddenly realize what they meant "sleep on the bed". I look at the bed it looks comfy, but I don't trust it. I see the alarm clock, ah so they want me to fall asleep and use the alarm clock to wake myself up. Not gonna happen. I look around the room for some way out except using the bed. But find nothing. I go to the object that is covered. I put my hand over it, but stop to think, should I do this?, I have to or else I'll have to sleep in that bed and for all I know there's some trap on the bed and anyway I wouldn't sleep a wink. I put my hand on the pillow case and lift slowly. What I find underneath is not what I had expected, a Simon Says toy? I look at it and push the button in the middle. It turns on and says in the mans voice " Simon Says you lose two hours of time to escape". I should not have done that. Immediately the mans voice says, " You have one hour and forty five minutes left". I look back to the toy and think should I push it again. I push it but this time it says, "Simon says dodge the plank." Plank? What plank? Just then a plank shoots out of the wall next to me I barely dodge it. Suddenly a small crack opens in the wall revealing a part of a door. Maybe I was supposed to play long enough for the crack to open all the way. I push it again and  get ready for whatever gets thrown at me this time. This time it says, "Simon says run around the room whilst dodging". "Dodge what?" I say aloud. Suddenly a knife flies into the wall next to my face. "Oh, dodge that." I say as I turn around and dodge another one while running in all directions as more and more come. After about a minute of running and dodging, the knives stop and fall to the ground. The crack opens a little wider. I push the button again this time it says, "Simon says don't move for one minute". I stop moving and suddenly feel as if something is watching me. I start to hear the noise from in Room Four behind me. I go stiff and try not to even go so far as to blink. After what seemed an eternity the crack widened till it was almost open. I cautiously turned around but found nothing other then what seemed to be the key for the door. I pushed the button again and this time it said, "Simon says thank you". Suddenly the crack opens all the way and the toy dissipates. I walk over to the door and stick the key in. I turn the knob and press the door open and walk in. "Welcome to Room Six. You have forty-five minutes to escape." 

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