Payal: okay Di.

Anjali left the kitchen and both sisters continued making breakfast in silence but payal wanted to talk to khushi.

Payal: I am very happy today as my husband will becoming the next CEO and now he will stop following orders from others who think they are better than him.

Khushi looked at payal and smirked knowing that her sister is foolish, but she kept quiet and continued doing her work not caring about Payal's ranting.

payal felt insulted as she was doing this purposely just to make khushi feel low but here khushi seems unaffected by everything that has been happening around her and she wandered were was that emotional khushi.

Payal: why are you so quiet khushi? your husband is about to lose everything and it looks as if you don't care at all.

Khushi: payal please mind your own business and I will mind mine, why are you so concerned about how I feel just concentrate on yourself and please leave me alone.

Payal: i see that you are now jealous of me.

Khushi: payal grow up and not everything is a competition, but why do you think I am jealous?

Payal: because my husband will be the CEO of AR and your husband will have nothing.

Khushi: I can't believe you are saying these about arnavji, have you forgotten everything he had done for you and akash? If it was not for us you would not have been married into this family and mamiji would not have accepted you. I had never thought you would change like this payal, but whatever has happened has really showed me that you were pretending all this while.

Payal: why are you talking about the past khushi? after talking to akash yesterday i understood my role now and I even spoke to anjali as well as shayam and I have realized that I have been to naive and I should take my stand as the eldest bahu of these house and you do remember that your husband is adopted which makes me the eldest daughter in law of this house.

Khushi: now I understand your change in behavior payal but what I don't understand is why are listening to shayam when you know he is a cheater and a liar?

Payal: whatever khushi, what I know is that I don't want to lose my marriage and if it means going against you and live with shayamji in the same room then I will do it ,you really don't know how it feels to have your marriage broke khushi, but I do and you were the cause of that broken marriage of mine and now that I have found akash I won't let anything came in between us.

Khushi: I gues we have nothing more to say to each other payal, you have chosen your path and I have chosen mine but know that what goes around comes around and for your sake I hope you won't regret your decision.

Payal: why should I ? I will no longer live in your shadow khushi and being the wife of the CEO of AR will open many doors for me and very soon I will be known all over Delhi.

Khushi: I really did not know you were jealous of me and too ambitious payal.

Payal: what is there to be jealous off khushi? your husband has lost everything and mine has gained it all.

Khushi: it was never a competition between us payal.

Payal: for me it has always been a competition, but now you are no competition for me.

Khushi: goodluck with that mrs payal akash Raizada.

As they were talking they did not notice that there was someone standing behind the door and that person was listening to their conversation and she did not like the way payal was behaving and she entered the kitchen with frowning face.

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