Day 25Hanging out with Natsu

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Another day with Natsu.This time with no training involved."Natsu,so what do you want to do?"I ask leaning my head down toward Natsu."LET'S PLAY TAG!"he cheers.Tag?Really?"Ok,Sure.""NOT IT!"he exclaims running away.I chase after him but I was too slow."Slowpoke!"Natsu laughs back at me.So I got up on two legs.Now call me slow.I was pretty much in grabbing distance from Natsu."Got ya!"I cheer."Aww man."he pout."Hehe you're it."I grin.

I place him down and flew up."HEY!NO FAIR!!"shouts Natsu.I grin."Use your dragon claw move to fly towards me."I explain."Huh?I can do that?"he questions with a confused expression.I give him a thumbs up."FIRE DRAGON'S CLAW!"he chants making his feet burst into flames.I watch him rocket towards me but...he landed in a tree.Oh boy.Right when I reached the tree,something hops unto my back.Natsu."Got you!"he cheers."Oh really now."I smirk.I flap my wings and ascend into the air."Hold on tight."I demand."Huh?What are you-"before he could finish his question,I take a dive with my wings to my side."WAHHHHH!"That's all I hear as I twirl.Before I hit the ground,I extended my wings out to ensure a safe landing.

"Had fun?"I chuckle picking Natsu off my back.He was stuck in awestruck."THAT WAS AWESOME!LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!"he exclaims pumping his fist into the air.Then his stomach grumbles."Looks like someone hungry."I explain pointing at the little brat's stomach.Soon my stomach growls which shook the whole forest."Heh,looks like someone even more hungry than me."Natsu laughs."Come on.Let's eat."I smile.After eating,Natsu snuggles up in my scales."Igneel.I like to ask you something."he starts."Go on."I lower my head."Do you know my ...real parents?"he proceed.Damn it I knew he would ask.I have an idea."Um..not really."I reply.I watch his saddened face."Oh one more question.Can I go see the human town?"he ask.Such a persistent little brat."Sigh.Sure but I'm coming with you."I sigh in defeat."Huh?REALLY! will you fit?"he ask."I'll figure a way.Now go to sleep."I grumble.Sigh.I have to ask Grandeeney how to use that spell.More nagging.

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