Chapter Two

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Lauren's POV

"Thanks so much for watching you guys make sure to keep an eye out for those holiday videos with Scott and I will Z you guys soon! Byyee!"
I flick off my camera and exit my recording studio. Dexter is waiting for me outside the door. He wags his tail when he sees me jumping up begging for attention. I kneel down and pet him for a long time. Dexter is so amazing! We head back upstairs to find Bobby on the couch watching TV. Dexter hops onto the couch and snuggles up next to Bobby and his favorite toy. I smile as I leave them behind heading to the kitchen to grab some food. I slice some bread off the loaf from last nights spaghetti dinner and dig in.
I'm so excited for Scott to get here he hasn't visited in a long time and I'm excited for him to see our new house.
My phone buzzes and I pick it up to see a text from Scott.
(The following text messages where included in the last chapter but I'm including them here to)

Scott: mmmmmm sooo good! 😜🥖🥖🥖
Lauren: you better save some for me!
Scott: nope! it'd be stale anyway
Lauren: 🥺pls
Scott: nope nope nope nope nope
Lauren: fine maybe I just won't let u inside when u show up at our door!
Scott: ughhh.... FINE! I'll pick some up on my way to ur house after I land
Lauren: YASSSSS ur easy to break 🥳🥳🤣
Scott: Whatever

I smile Scott is easy to break. I clean up my dishes and head to the living room curling up with Bobby and Dexter as we let the afternoon roll by in a series if movies and popcorn as the sun streams through the windows in perfect golden rays.

Who knew that this peaceful day could become one of the most terrifying days of my life.

318 Words

Hey thanks so much for reading hope you enjoyed!

Will I Ever Make It - laurenzside x dangthatsalongnameWhere stories live. Discover now