Fist sized mouth

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Despite my deep and constant soreness I begin to start enjoying the daily workouts. Iv'e found that me avoiding dinner had been a pointless activity because apparently accept for special occasion no one really had dinner together. 

It felt weird to sit at the large table all by myself. It reminded me of when I was little. It would start with everyone around the table, some snide comment later and the table would erupt in yelling and swearing. In the span of five minutes I would be all alone. I would sit there and wait and wait and wait. Some nights it would take hours before a body guard found me. Then they would simply tap my arm and lead me to my room. 

A tall skinny woman came rushing in. She looked Korean and was extremely good looking which made me frown as I saw her maids outfit. She frowned deeply when she saw me and I just stared. 

"Who are you." 

"Oh I'm-"

"Oh my your the new girl right. It's so exiting to have another new kid around, I guess this means I'm moving up in the ranks." She looked quite self righteous and sat across from me at the table. 

"You gonna eat that greenie." I shook my head then paused as she used my fork to shuffle chicken into her mouth. 

"Greenie?" Her dark eyes lit up.

"Oh you know from the Maze Runner. Except when you know who dies. Page 250, when I tell you I sobbed... I SOBBED. But I suppose he isn't real but you know what I think."

"I have a feeling I'm about to find out." I muttered but she didn't seem to notice.

"All book characters are real somewhere in the stars. Did you know that I could read at age 9."

She said it as if it was something extraordinary. Doesn't that mean she didn't know how to read till she was in like third grade. I mean I guess that was better than me. I felt oddly low on energy and my throat was dry. I stood up while she was mid-sentence. I hadn't slept at all last night and I had worked out hard this morning. I yawned and slowly tottered out.

I could here exasperated noises but she didn't know my name so she couldn't call after me. I snorted on my way out. Stupid. Dam this place was making me cynical. I felt like a zombie as I made my way through the halls. 

"Lyra......" I swear I heard some one say my name and I reached out. I felt a hard shoulder underneath my palm and realized it was mountain.

"Mountain me sleepy." I barley got the words out before I slumped against him. Dead to the world. 



Head ache. Thirsty. Tori kissing Beck. I shoot up and immediately grab my head. Jesus Tori haunted my dreams now. Great. I felt to the right and left looking for my phone which I always fell asleep holding. They had made me text Ella  and say I was going on a trip for a family emergency. Bullshit but whatever. 

I think I grasped blindly for about a minute or two before I opened my eyes. I stared dumbfounded at the dark navy blue sheets. I felt eyes on me and nearly jumped out of my skin when I looked up. Landon Pierce in all his glory sat in front of me in an rustic looking arm chair. He had his legs crossed and he held Shakespeare in his hand all to casually. 

I froze and immediately looked down to see if I was wearing clothes. I heard a soft and deep chuckle. I met his dark green eyes which looked highly amused.

"You think highly of yourself."

"No I just think lowly of you." I spit back. He stands gracefully and walks to the other side of the room which I just noticed had a large book case. His room was huge and I realized he has probably lived here all his life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2020 ⏰

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