Fuck Tori.

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They had given me a Tv. And Nickelodeon. I hadn't left the room in three days. I mean why should I anyways, they deliver me food three times a day and I can shower and go to the bathroom whenever I want. What more could I want. Maybe an ice cream machine.

I was only slightly ashamed to say I was had already finished season 1 of VicTORIous. I was spread like a star fish in the bed in a pair of basketball shorts and a hoodie. Going no bra style. Yeeaaa. All I needed now was an x-box. Or dance dance evolution. Yea that's the good stuff. 

Knock. Knock. Knock.  I nearly jump straight out of my skin and my door practically rattles. My door? I wonder when I had started thinking of it like that. I jump up and start to turn off the tv and grab a book when I realize what I'm doing. I'm acting as if I was getting caught by my dad. 

"Come in!" I shout from my bed. The door nob rattles and I remember I locked it. I checked the clock on my night table. It was 10:00. They always deliver my breakie at 8:30 on the dot, lunch at 12:30 a snack at four and then dinner at 9. It was weird for me because usually I was done with dinner by 6 and eating dessert around 11.

Knock. Knock. I shake myself from my thoughts and climb out of bed. I stretch my way to the door and swing it open. Brit stands there with an unimpressed look plastered on his face. He shakes his head as his eyes travel over me.

"Darlin this won't do." I roll my eyes and turn to throw myself back onto the bed but before I can James hooks and arm around my waist. I struggle against him but he keeps me secure.

"No more moping around like a sloth. Get dressed in clothes your comfortable getting sweaty in." I slump and he lets me go. I turn and frown at him. 

"Why? Or do I not want to know." He grins like the Cheshire cat.  

"Because today's your first day of training." My eyes widen and he leaves my blubbering like a fish as he goes through my closet. He begins throwing out clothes as I melt onto the ground like a puddle. Once he's finishes he stomps out.

"I don't think I have ever seen anything more depressing in my life." I roll over and make a crude gesture at him. He shakes his head and goes over to the door. 

"You've got ten minutes so hurry because were already late." He claps his hands in some act of motivation before leaving and closing the door after him. I sigh, get up and limp to the bed. A pair of sweat pants, a sports bra and a black athletic T-shirt is laid out. On the ground is a pair of sneakers I hadn't realized were in my closet.

I get dressed in the clothing  but opt for my converse instead of the running shoes. I tie my hair up not quite sure what to expect. I was always pretty athletic as a child cause the mix of my procrastination and ADHD resulted in me running whenever I got jumpy. I open the door and am met with Brit's broad shoulders.

He leads me out of the room and through the winding halls of the scary house. I already miss Cat. And Robbie. Ohhh and Jade. Specifically Jade, Talk about girl crush. Oh and fuck Tori she was a total bitch. I had never defined my sexuality, I had always gone with like whoever I fall in love with, I fall in love with. 

Brit hums under his breath some David Bowie song while I twitch behind him. He was as calm as a cucumber which upset me. Bitch. Finally we found ourselves at a large set of Oak doors. He steps aside and puts out his arm.

"Ladies first." I stick out my tongue at him and open the doors. The sound of yelling and loud obnoxious music hits my ears. people wrestling on mats in the center of the large room. The ceilings are high and the floor cement. Workout machines line the walls and a gun range is on the far side of the room.

I swallow and only walk in a few steps. No one even spares me a glance which I appreciate cause I think I would have turned tail if they had all stopped to stare at me. James gives me a reassuring smile.  

"So how's this gonna work. Do I get like a trainer or something or do I just do whatever."

"You will get a trainer."

"So... where are they."

"Your looking at him." I rub my temples before nodding slowly. Of course he is.

"So whats first Teach." 

"I prefer Jedi Master." 

"I'm gonna leave."

"Alright alright. Since today is your first day were just gonna do some strength work then a little run." Sounded simple enough. 



I should've run away while I had the chance. I was fine at running and good at almost all types of martial arts but weight lifting had never been my strong suit. When I was a kid I had been bean pole thin so when I had started filling out I hadn't been sure what to do with my newly found curves. 

I had let my self grow soft and I was reminded of this as I attempted to dead lift some weight that a 10 year old could probably lift. I watch Brit hold in his laugh and scrunch up his face. I take a step towards him and slug him in the gut. 

It's my turn to bend over laughing at the mixture of his shocked and pained face. I end up on the floor nearly vibrating in giggles.

"You cunt!" Suddenly his fingers are at my side jabbing and tickling me.  I chuckle as he gets up and we sit facing each other, out of breath. I stop as a scary though flashes through my brain. A thought so scary I have to close my eyes. I swallow and get up to do whatever workout with James. But the thought never leaves my brain.

'Maybe it's not so bad here.'


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