Chapter 2: Arriving In Salt Lake City

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I've finally arrived in Salt Lake City.

I call Olivia and ask her if she can send someone to come pick me up.

"Yeah sure. I'm sending Joshua Bassett."

"Ok thanks!"

"No problem. See you in a minute."

"Ok bye!"

I'm now waiting for Joshua. While I'm waiting for him to get here I search up his name to find a picture of him that way I know what he looks like. When he gets here I quickly run over to him.

"Hi, I'm Michelle! You're Joshua right?"

"Yes! So you're the one who Olivia sent me to get?"


"Do you have all your bags? If so we can head over to the school."


We get into the car and he starts asking me questions. He asks about how I found out I was playing someone. He also asked who I was playing.

"Well I got a DM from Olivia. She told me to call her after sending her my number. I'm guessing that way she knew it was me calling. I called her and she said that I would be playing Nini. She said she broke her leg. Then I called Tim and told him that I said yes. Then I got on a plane and flew here."

"Ok. So you're going to be playing Nini?"


"You originally auditioned for her right?"

"Yes I did."

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16."

"Ok. So that's why you had me pick you up?"

"Yes! I just turned 16 so I haven't gotten my driver's license yet."

"Ok so I'm probably going to have to drive you around wherever you need to go."

"Yep. You'll get used to it. My mom did."

"Wow! So nice of you." He sarcastically says.

"I know right." He rolled his eyes at me.

"We're here!"

We got out of the car and walked over to Olivia's trailer.

"Hey Olivia! This is Michelle."

"Hi Michelle! It's so nice to finally meet you! If you want we can go find Tim and say hi."

"I'd love to see him again! It's also so nice to meet you!"

We talk a little bit longer and then we get ready to go. That's when Joshua picks her up.

"Hey! Can you grab her crutches?"


We call him to see where he is and he says he's inside in the front of the school.


When we open the doors he's standing there talking to someone I don't know. They look familiar but I can't figure out who it is.

"Hey Tim!" Olivia says

"Hey Olivia and Josh!"

"Hi Tim. I'm not sure if you remember me but I'm Michelle. I auditioned for Nini."

"It's nice to see you again! So are you excited to play Nini?"

"Yes! I'm so excited but a little nervous. Mostly excited though. When do we start filming?"

"Filming starts in two weeks. Next week we'll have our first table read. So you'll get to meet the rest of the cast next week."

"Ok thanks. Who was the guy you were talking to? He looked familiar but I didn't know where I'd seen him."

"That was Matt Cornett. He'll be playing EJ."

"Ok thanks! I knew that I'd seen him before."

"Hey Michelle, do you want to run lines with me in my trailer? Since we have a lot of scenes together." Joshua asks

"Yeah sure. But we should probably get Olivia back to her trailer first. It would be mean if we just left her here."

"Yeah you're right. As funny as that would be we do need to get her back to her trailer." He says

"Bye Tim!" We all say at the same time.

"Bye guys! See you next week."

With that we head over to Olivia's trailer to drop her off and then head over to Josh's trailer.

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