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"Um... well.. I'm gonna tell my story with Dark later. But now, me and Kitty are glitches" Charlie said. "And genies. And I'm a witch. And I'm a mermaid. And I'm a cat. He's part cat. He's a full dog. I'm a vampire. I'm a bat. I'm a ghost. We're skeletons. We're human. We're animatronic. I'm a cheetah and a bird. I think that's it" Kitty said. "I feel like I'm forgetting something" "Oh. And I tend to lose my temper a lot" Charlie said. "You didn't tell me that" Kitty said. "I didn't tell you bc I kinda forgot that" Charlie said. "Oh" Kitty said. "Wow" OR3O said. "And I'm a girl" Charlie said. Kitty took off Charlie's bracelet. "Wow" Swiblet said. "Yea" Kitty said. "Oh wait. At Halloween, you have that thing when you get scared" Kitty said. "What thing?" OR3O asked. "When I get scared by something, I kick it" Charlie said. "Fear kicking" Nightcove said. "Yes" Charlie said. "That's a lot" Swiblet said. "Yep" Kitty said. "Anyway, so now can you tell us the story of you with Dark?" Nightcove asked. "I said lat-" Kitty cut Charlie off. "It is later" "Fine" Charlie said. "Dark um.." Kitty said, "Dark just didn't like Charlie. He didn't like Pokemon, apparently bc the first four letters of his name make up a Pokemon name. And he wanted to get rid of Charlie. And Dark also pranked him. And Ik how Charlie gets with pranks. Charlie pranked Dark back. And they had this rivalry go on" "Yea" Charlie said. "Wow" OR3O said.

Revenge(Sequel to TrApPed In FNAK: VR)Where stories live. Discover now