Even if today we could had normal lifes we are both males and its suppose to be "disgusting" or "Going against the God's rules about love"You know what after what they did to me i dont believe in God anymore these homophobic opinions sound so childish to me

"i just i do!And i dont care if you dont do these cliche couple things i am not into these stuff either just tell your fucking answer so i wont be tortured for the rest of my life!!"That came out more dramatic then i thought

Jeff laughed putting his hand on his mouth

What's so funny?!

"Good joke Jack you really got me!"Is he stupid?!He still thinks its a prank?I hate to admit seeing him laugh in disbelief makes me feel rage or how they say it?Heartbroken?Yeah

My hand slammed in the couch"Jeff i am not joking!After all i said you dont believe me!?"

"I do i do...Just tell me the reasons why you like me..."He switched to a more serious expression all the sudden

"Well uh...you know i am just confused let me have time to think about it"Really Jack?But maybe i am confused maybe i think i like Jeff because we are becoming friends.Besides the only friend i had is Toby and i always saw him as a brother i never had

Jeff didnt was silence"Jeff?"I asked,he was staring at me with a way i couldnt describe but for sure not in a creepy way.Waiting for his answer felt like ages

"Alright thanks for the visit Jack!"He jumped off the chair opening the door

What the fuck!?

"What are you waitng for?"He asked still holding the door open

"Hold on you are kicking me out?"

"Oh no!But yes..."

"Fine you fucking asshole!!"He seemed to be more angry but i dont care i got up from the couch feeling a little dust in my ass.

"I shouldnt have saved you!I should had let Liu come and kill you!!"Suddenly Jeff grasped my hoodie and tried to pin down but i managed to grab both his wrists and pin him to the wall.He was struggling a lot kicking his legs to my waist which hurted a lot but he has to do something better then that

"What the fuck you want now?!"Jeff spat still kicking his legs "Will you stop!?"Jeff hit his head against mine causing me to let him go and he punched me

i was on the floor rubbing my back "Was it hard to say if you love me back you phycho!?"I saw he was staring me in pure shock,that moment i realized the mask was off my face revealing my half face expect the left eye socket and cheek.

I wanted to cover my face but it was too late there was no point hiding it.I removed my mask competetly and pulled off my hood to reveal my brown hair

Jeff looked shocked seeing my empty eye sockets and the black liquid dripping on my cheeks

"Are you crying?"

"What-No!It was always there..."I realized i was still on the floor sitting there like an idiot,getting up and taking off the dust in my hoodie while Jeff was silent

"So this is your face..?"Jeff leaned closer but i backed away "And let me guess the 'E' stands for Eyeless?"Wow he got it right

"If you have no eyes how the fuck can you see?"

"I dont even know..."I replied putting back my mask but Jeff stopped me

"Come on i saw your face whats the point hiding it now?"

"I look terrible.."

"Tsk you look fine Jack."Jeff said calmy is he bipolar or something?

"Fine?!Do i look fine to you?!"

"Yeah because i am a real model here come on Jack you look fine..."

"You wanted to struggle me a few minutes ago!"

"Yes i did.."


👀The ending of this chapter is weird i know

Jeff the killer x Eyeless jackWhere stories live. Discover now