chapter 5(edited)

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"So where we going?"

"You will see"


"Oi Jackass i am here!"

I stepped inside the abandended building

This time i wore a warm grey jacket and comfy jeans,i bet Jack will wear his mask and black hoodie

And i was right
he walked outside with a scalpel and a small bag

"You always wear these?"I asked and he frowned dropping his arms

"Hoodies are comfortable,why you wore these?We are going to kill not to hang out"

"relax i just wanted to wear diffrent clothes dont be a ass"



Jack was leading me into the woods,we were going to kill people in that camping place?Heck yes!I am 99%i can kill faster then that dickhead

Meanwhile the walk it was pretty quite,the night is quite not even the winter wind was blowing so this was hella awkward

Should i say something? Anything?I dont even know anymore

but now its time to have fun bitch!

Me and Jack shared looks like talking without even words "Make sure the trees don't have cameras,if they do cover your face,we cant be seen"

"I know..."

I covered my face with a surgeon mask and pulled the hood of the jacket covering my hair and my face


Jack and i creped  to the camping place seeing some teens goofing  around it reminds me how i was as a teen


A girl with very curly brown puffy hair and tan skin said something to the group and some of them nodded telling "Be careful"The girl started to walk away from the group and camping place,from the small fire i assume she went to find woods for it

Oh darling today is your lucky day  i grinned from the thought and Jack already could tell what i was thinking about

I watched the girl picking up some wood sticks,she looked nervous and insecure about being here all by herself.Jack was behind me waiting for my move

Its show time!!

Without wasting time i pushed the girl rough by her hair into a tree making sure she hit her head hard.She was about to scream but i covered it with my gloved hand really harshly "Dont you dare to scream on me, you dont want me to get a fucking headache dont you?"She wimpered even more crying and panicking

You know what i am tired of this

Four minutes later the girl was laying in a pool full of her own blood,her throat was slitted multiple times and her eyes were bloodshot,they were still open and looked lifeless.The snow started to cover her a little

Jeff the killer x Eyeless jackWhere stories live. Discover now