chapter 7

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Dont worry kiddos we will get into Jack's pov soon but this book mainly focus on Jeff's pov so wont see other character's pov so much.

Toby's pov


I closed the book in my hands and place it with the other books i read,most of them were about medical stuff it was Jack's books of cource who else's could be here?Books were my only entertainment i had for now

There was a radio down here but Jack couldnt care to fix it so i am stuck here reading medical books and watch Jack do some weird experiments on organs.For now i couldnt go out and kill i got a cold and the weather got even worse...

I relaxed my back on the plastic chair tapping my foot,it gets lonely when EJ is gone but i cant do otherwise!I heard someone coming down to the basement

It was him

"Hey J-Jack you a-are back.."Although Jack opened the metallic door and stormed in without looking at me,that moment i knew he was angry and needs some time to calm down,Jeez what happened today?

"D-did s-somethig happend today?"

"Leave it Toby.."Jack mumbled removing his gloves full of blood,it has problaby to do with that new guy he is talking with...but Jack never mentions him?Not even his name or clue of who is he.EJ removed his belt and bag placing them on the metallic rusty table his attitude changed a bit to angry to more relaxed

"So..are you feeling any better?"

I was about to response but then i started to cough again"A little b-be-better then-"I coughed for one for time then finished "last time!"

"When you were coughing was there any blood?"He leaned against the table placing his hands on it balancing himself

"L-Luckily these days n-no...FUCK!!"I twisted and squeezed my eyes mentally slapped myself "Dont worry Tobs the cold will be more soon.."

"H-hopef-ffuly.."He nodded getting back to whatever he was doing like checking his supplies,if you wanted to ask how come i live with him is a long story.Its not like we are roomates or something i am just here for a while because of the weather and that i am ill

Jack lives underground the abandoden building in winter or just in case something happens,the building was suppose to be a factory and this underground place is problaby a warehouse.It looked rotten and dusty but its better then outside the forest for me.

Jack and i had a long past together and he was kind enough to let me stay with him for a while.Funny tho after what he have been together he never showed me his face i showed mine many times

I even tried to remove it once when he was sleeping and i got myself almost killed!Dont try that kids

Jack was roaming on his work place where he was doing random stuff with organs,i did not question it...He looked a bit down and i knew something happened

With a sigh i got up from my plastic chair feeling my ass sore since i have been sitting there for hours"Jack why y-you n-never mention that m-mysterious f-friend of yours?"

"He is not my friend and it is not worth to mention him.."

"W-why not?"

Jeff the killer x Eyeless jackWhere stories live. Discover now