34. Wait

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Wu's POV

Since Lloyd left I'm sitting in his hospital room, waiting for him. Some hours already past and he still didn't come back. I mean it's normal that his mission always take some time, but since he's injured I just have to worry about him. I'm just sitting on the chair, next to his bed and wait when I hear behind me something open. I look around and smile relieved when I see that he opened the window.

"Llo-?!" I already wanted to ask him if he's fine but he only mumbles 'Tigg...ninja hide..', he detransforms and falls together with Tigg through the window into the room. My eyes wide, I run over to the window and catch both Lloyd and Tigg before they hid the ground. I look at him shooked but sigh relieved when I notice that he's just unconscious. I carry him over to his bed and lay him on it.  I check him for some injuries and gasp when I see that he has a big wound on his head with some dried blood around it I hide Tigg in my jacketpocket, run out of the room and tell a nurse that Lloyd 'fell out of the bed and lose consciousness'. She and another nurse drive him out of the room while I stay there and just hold my head.


I take Tigg out of my pocket and place her on a dresser.

"Tigg are you alright?"

She just looks at the ground and remains silently. "Yes...I'm fine..."

"Then what's wrong?"

She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Master...I don't know what happend...but I felt his pain... I-I didn't know it was so painful for him..and he still..he still did it, trying to fight, protecting the people! He was in such a big pain!!" She starts to cry strong, I just look at her, take her slowly and try to calm her down.

"Psst...it's okay..."

I just sit there with her and try to calm her down. Some time later when I hear people come toward the room I hide Tigg in my pocket and stand up. The nurses are driving Lloyd back into the room, he has a bandage around his head and one of the nurses looks to me.

"He's alright, luckily his wound didn't open because of the fall. He only has a small concussion might have some headache for the next days, but he has some more bruises and scratches and the wound on his head has a strange form, like from something bumpy and hard. This all can't come from a simple fall out of the bed."

I act suprised. I can't tell them that Lloyd left the hospital. "Really? I can't think of an explanation for this. He layed the whole time in his bed and I only left the room for 5 minutes."

"Mhh..." she looks on some papers. "It's still strange but as long as it's nothing serious it's ok. I wish you a good night and if something is with him get us."

I nod."Good night." She leaves the room and I sit down beside Lloyd's bed, taking Tigg out of my pocket and laying her beside Lloyd. She just hugs him and stays with him. I sigh and close my eyes.


When he woke up again he told me what happend. About being defeated by the earth ninja, captured by the poilce and almost revealed his identity. I sigh and hold my head while he just looks at the ceiling and holds his head.

"Uncle...can't someone else get my miraculous? Just...for a short time...so the akuma can be purified..."

"I'm sorry Lloyd, but the choosen one is the only one who can control the power of the engery miraculous."

He closes his eyes. "Then please, give the others their miraculous. Cole does a good job, yes but if more akuma's appear he can't handle it on his own anymore. And I won't be active for a long time."

"I can give them their miraculous, but I can't give it to them in person it would risk your identity. I can only place them somewhere they will definitely find it. And because of the akuma, they can't purify them but I will give each of them a special net, they are made out of the power of creation. They can't purify the akuma's but can capture them so they won't fly away and spread." I stand up and look at him. "I know you're worried, but they are able to take care of themselves and the city. But as long as you're still hurt you won't fight."

He nods and strokes over Tigg's head. "I promise you. I will wait and get well. Can't protect the people in this condition."

I nod and ruffle through his hair. "Good. I will go and bring it them. I'll come back later."

3 months later》

Lloyd's POV

Right now I'm on the way home with my uncle and my friends. Yes, I stayed for 3 months at the hospital. Originally it was supposed to be 2 months but with the concession the doctors decided it would be better to watch me a bit longer. I can already walk and move again without pain but I still need to rest said the doctors. I'm just talking with my friends and we really enjoy it. While I was in the hospital they visited me every day and of course I watched them when they fought as hero's. And they also were able to keep their identities a secret. I'm so proud of them, they did such a good job and protected the people. They still couldn't defeat the fake green Ninja though. For months I'm trying to find out where the akuma could be, it has to be somewhere with the green Ninja. Since thr others think the one destroying everything is the real green Ninja who just turned evil they are more trying to get the miraculous. Then don't even imgaine that it could be an Akuma. Right now we're just walking around when the green Ninja lands infront of us. Our eyes wide and my friends all stand infront of me protectly.

"Lloyd, go home it's too dangerous!!!"

My eyes wide and my uncle graps my hand and runs with me away. Yes, the green Ninja - new super villain. After those 3 months the people started to fear the green Ninja. But I will end this today.

Me and Wu arrive at our monastery. We walk in and Tigg flies out of my jacket.

"It's time."

"Lloyd, I wouldn't appear now! It will be suspicious when the day you get out off the hospital is the day the real green Ninja appears again."

"I have no other choice. I won't wait any longer. Tigg, ninja go!!!"

She transforms me and I take a deep breath. "Wow...after 3 months...this feels strange, but also good."

I look into a mirror and only see my eyes. "I always wondered if..."

I reach with one hand to my hood and try to pull it off. When I do it I first look suprised then smile slightly and look to my uncle. "I feel like I know what to do to protect my identity."

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