25. Blind

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Lloyd's POV

"Your wish is yours to keep."

Jay, as the lightning ninja Spark, and I both look shocked at him and say 'what' at the same time. Spark says something but I don't really listen to him. The last thing I see is Nadakhan with a wide smirk before everything turns dark. I close my eyes a few times, not believing what just happend. When I realized what he did I dropped my swords and freeze completely. I hear someone say something but I don't hear what they say. It's all black.


Someone graps me by my shoulders and I turn my head to them.

"Hey green Ninja, what did yo-"

For a moment it's silent. He noticed that I don't really look at him, more like stare into the air.

"Y-Your eyes...they aren't green anymore...they are...white..." For a moment it's silent "Don't tell me you...."

"I...used a wish... 'don't need to see your stupid face.' That's what I said." I say and I hear him gasp. I didn't even noticed, and seems like he doesn't too. Spark keeps holding me by my shoulders and looks to Nadakhan.

"You tricked him!!!"

"He wished this. Not my fault."

Spark just stares at Nadakhan angry while I kneel down and search the ground for my swords. Spark looks at me confused. "What are you doing?? Use your wish, you have to wish your sight back!!!"

"I can't do that!!! He would turn my words around and it could probably get even worse!!" I luckily find one of my swords, I grap it and stand up again. "No. No more wishes. I can still fight. I still have my other sense."

"Are you insane!? You can't fight like that!!!"

"I can!!! But I need your help. Without you it won't work." I turn into the direction Nadakhans laugh comes from and I point at him with one sword. "We have to defeat him. Or else we can't free all the people. We can do this. I'm scared, but with your help I can do this. I trust you."

Spark looks at me with big eyes, then his expression changes to a serious one and he nods. "I got your back. And I'll watch your arm."

He looks to the miraculous I wear on my wrist. I nod and lower my hand with the sword. I just hear Nadakhans laugh.

"You really think you could defeat me? In this condition you can't stand a chance against me. I mean, what if I just..."

He dissappears, appears infront of me but I can't see him and since he's more like a ghost I don't really sense him.

"W-What, where are you what are you doing!?!"

He's just infront of my face and smirks. I hear from my side Spark yelling something but then Nadakhan says. "I'm right here."

I feel hands grapping me and the next moment I can't hear Spark's yelling anymore.

Nya's POV

When this djinn grapped me we appeared again in some kind of pirate room? It looks like a cabin of a pirate ship. I look around shooked and then look to him angry.

"Let me go!!!"

Nadakhan just smirks at me, grabs my chin and forces me to look at him.

"Oh sweety, don't be so harsh. I have to do something now but I'll come back later."

Then he dissappeard again and I was alone in this room. The door was locked and is too massive to break it open, the windows are blocked with Iron bars and there are no other ways to break free. I tried for a long time but at some point I gave up trying, I sat down and waited. I don't know how much time has past but it felt like hours when Nadakhan appeared again but this time with...

"The green Ninja!?"

I look at him with big eyes. I mean, he looks like the green Ninja, but he doesn't really act like him. He's just standing there, with raised hands and turning around.

"You alright...?"

He stops and looks into my direction.

"Are you the girl Nadakhan kidnapped...?"

"Y-Yes I am..." I walk over to him and look into his eyes, due they are the only thing you can see from his face. And then I noticed it.

"Your eyes...what's wrong with them?"

He turns his head away and I hear Nadakhan laughing behind me.

"He used a wish. And that's the result."

He winks with one hand infront of the eyes of the green Ninja. He doesn't react. Not even a blink.

"No way..." I wink with one hand infront of his eyes again and then act like I'm hitting him. Again no reaction. "No...nonono come on this can't be truth..."

"I think...it's sadly the truth...but don't worry. I'm not alone. I have my team, I'm may not able to fight on my own but I have them."

Nadakhan starts to laugh. "You talking about blueberry? Don't worry it won't take long untill we take him down too." This purple mask thing appears infront of his eyes.

"Come on Djinn, take his Miraculous this is your ultimate chance!!"

The mask dissappears again and Nadakhan smirks and goes to the green Ninja.

"This will be like taking a child's candy. "

He already wants to take the miraculous when some kind of green shield ball appears around the green Ninja and me. Nadakhan can't go through it. "Tz. Then I'll come back later. You can't run away anyways."

Nadakhan disappears and then the green protective shild also dissappears. I look to him.

"Are you..."

"Yes, I'm fine."

"Are you sure...? You must be...pretty scared..."

"I am. It's really scary that you suddenly can't see anything anymore. But it's alright. Because I have people like you."

I look at him with big eyes. "W-What?"

He reaches with one hand into his pocket. "I shouldn't take out so many miraculous, but because Nadakhan already trapped so many people I decided it would be the best to take two miraculous. And now that I lost my sight I need as many eyes as possible. I already gave one miraculous away. I feel like it's not the right fit for you, but we'll talk about it another time, for now it's good enough."

He reaches out one hand towards me and shows me a black-red box. He's not really looking at me, more at the ground but I know that he means this serious.

"Nya Smith, here is the miraculous of the samurai which gives you an technolized power mech . You will use it for the greater good"

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