Chapter Five

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The power is finally back on and the roads were cleared. I am staring out the window and looking at the snowy mist while holding her in my arms. My heart was heavy, how could I move on without confronting my past. She is my future, but I can't do anything until I let go of my past. I slowly slide out of the bed, trying not to wake her. I don't want to, but I knew I needed to go and face my ex and my former best friend. I found some scrap paper and leave her a note that I am going to find us some good breakfast since the power was on and the roads were cleared. I walk to the closest subway station and hitch a ride on the green line to go "home."

When I open my front door, I see them both having breakfast at the bar. They shoot straight up when they see me, both spluttering excuses. I raise my hand to silence them and say, "I didn't come here to find out why. I just want you to know that I was on my way home that night to propose to you."

I pull out the ring, look down at it and say, "Talking with a client made me realize how much I wanted to be a part of a family. I want to thank you for cheating because we would have never been happy together. Without this wakeup call, I would have never discovered what my future should look like, full of lots of love and laughter. While you've both been a big part of my life, I no longer wish to consider our friendships in the next chapter of my life. So, if you will please gather your stuff out of the apartment and leave, I would appreciate it. This apartment is a part of my old life, so I'm putting it up on the market. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go."

I turn around and walk back outside. Once outside I take a deep breath. Checked that off of my list, on to the next thing. I head to the nearest jeweler, to pick out a ring. The salesman kept trying to lead me to the flashier section, but that's not what I want. I want a ring that fits her. I finally found it, it's unique. Simple, but breathtaking. This is the one, it perfectly describes her.

Once I purchase the ring, I go and search for some of the breakfast that I promised her. I go to what she said was her favorite bakery and pick her up some breakfast pastries and coffee. The closer I got to the bar, the more anxious I got. Was this too soon? Honestly, I don't care because this feels so right. Should I let her eat breakfast first or just blurt it out as soon as I walk through the door. Breathe dude, it'll be okay. She told you that she loves you and she meant it. She wants me, nothing to doubt.

When I walk through the door, she was sitting on the bar looking over some paperwork. I freeze, uh should I do it now? I can't think properly with her so close to me. I walk to the bar and sit the pasties down.

"I got you some breakfast," I say as I hand her the cup of coffee.

"Thank you, Maxy. That was very sweet of you. Oh! You remembered my favorite bakery, you're the best," she beams up at me.

That smile. I love that smile. That smile makes me happy and makes me smile. I think now is the perfect time to propose. I'm so in love.

I smile down at her and say, "You're most welcome Car. Anything for my beautiful lady. So, I have something to ask you—well, multiple things the ask. This morning I went back to my apartment and talked to them both. I have decided to get rid of my apartment and start a new chapter in my life."

"Of course, I'll pay," I rush out. "But how would you feel about a permanent roommate?" I grin big at Caroline, hoping she'll say yes.

She gapes at me, "Uh, um yeah. I mean, of course, you can move in. I love you and I would love living with you."

I'm grinning so hard now, "Perfect. Well, since I love you, you love me, and we live together, how about we get married?"


"Yeah, I love you so much. You have become my best friend, my biggest supporter, my sunshine and I don't want to spend another second on the earth without being connected to you. You're my soulmate, my better half, and I want to legally be attached to you for the rest of my life." I got down on one knee, "Will you make my life complete and marry me?"

Through tears, she responded, "Yes!"

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