Frenchy's POV

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"Rainbow Dash," I called. It seemed like I was the only pony to have a mentor that payed hardly any attention to me. I knew Rainbow Dash loved me, of course, but sometimes it felt like I had drawn the short straw for my mentor. Rainbow Dash was the mayor of our town, 'Rainbow Riverside'. And yes, before you ask, it was named after my mentor. Rainbow Riverside was part of Princess Twilight Sparkle's domain (Fillydelphia), who had been a good friend to many of my friend's and my mentors. When she had been given her domain from Princess Celestia, she had been the first Equestria Princess to put mayors in her towns. And so, she asked her friends if they wanted to be mayors. They all wanted to stay together, so they declined, but agreed that they would all live in Rainbow Riverside, with Rainbow Dash as Mayor. I heard the clop of hooves from around the corner, and Rainbow Dash came out to meet me.

"Rainbow Dash, you forgot to pick me up from my French lesson AGAIN," I complained. All ponies had a talent, and that talent influenced their cutie mark. My talent was French, and thus my moustache-shaped cutie mark.

"Oh, Frenchy, I'm so sorry!" Even my name was related to my cutie mark.

I sighed inwardly. "It's fine. What have you been working on lately?" I asked, changing the subject. I had grown used to Rainbow Dash occasionally getting lost in her work and forgetting about me.

Immediantly, my mentor's face lit up. I readied myself for the long talk about her work that was about to come.


I arrived at pony school late, again, to find Shimmer Shine crying, and Rose Rivet, with her beautiful almond coat with white specks, and dark brown mane, with mid-brown tips, hovering over her. I had always been jealous of Rose Rivet's beautiful coat and mane, though I tried to hide it. A lot of the other ponies said I was incredibly beautiful, with my red, white and blue mane, and light grey coat, and I had had my fair share of boys, but I always wished I looked like Rose Rivet. She still had her Steampunk style goggles on, which meant she had just been working on a project.

I couldn't see Veira or Shadow anywhere, which was odd. Usually the four of them were inseperable. "Hey Rose. Hey Shimmer. What's wrong?" I asked.

"Suicide Soprano and the older girls have been bullying her again," said Rose Rivet, with a huff.

I nodded, rolling my eyes. "They're idiots. Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Have you seen River Song anywhere?" I asked. River Song was my best friend. With her white mane, and black coat, the only colour on her was her striking, bright blue eyes.

"Yeah," said Rose. "She went to the spot. I'm pretty sure Sarah and Berry Bar are there too." Berry Bar and Sarah were the rest of our gang, and the final set of best friends in our group. We all sat at 'the spot' and everyone knew not to sit there - it was practically reserved for us. Though I guess that's what happens when you're the most popular group in the school. "Though I'm not sure where Shadow and Veira are. If you see them, can you tell me?"

"Yeah, sure," I replied. "See you at the spot later?"

"Yeah, once I've calmed down Shimmer," she responded, and I walked off.

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