Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Aoi and Oaf hid behind a big tree and look somewhere not far away from where they are hiding, 20 meters away from them she could see some of her classmate "Heroes" taking the path to Ylenol village.

'Is their destination the same as mine?' Aoi could not help but thought as she looked at them.

"Flord, how long until we reach the Ylenol village?" Amaine asked tired, she could feel her legs almost giving up because of the distance that they had already walked.

"5 hours if we walk and 2 - 3 hours if we ride but our trainer said we must walk for it is also training for us. Killing two birds with one stone." Flord replied.

"My feet is killing me!" Ryna whined as she massage her dainty dark feet.

"I need to hurry or else they might reach there before me." Aoi whispered "Oaf from now on, we run."

[Fleet] Aoi cast to make their feet light.

[Invisibility] Aoi cast to make them invisible.

"Let's go." The two of them started running as fast as they could but she keep her pace as fast as Oaf since his Stamina and Level are below her.

They would stop once in a while to rest to recover stamina for a little enough to recover but mostly it's for Oaf to recover himself since Aoi could run for a whole day without breaking a sweat.

~30 minutes later~

Finally, after half an hour they finally got to their destination and the other team is yet not there.

They walk to the village and they could see that the village is desolate and almost in ruins. Some of the houses were burned, wrecked and almost nothing is left. The village was so quiet that she won't be surprise that a ghost is already living there.

"The goblins terrorizing this village must be coming here a lot lately."

"Are you an adventurer?" A voice said. Aoi looked back and saw a little boy looking at her with wide eyes. She smiled and walk towards the boy and pat his head full of auburn hair.

"I'm not an Adventurer but I'm here to help." Aoi smiled while patting the boys hair gently.

"Then will Big Sis help us?"

"That's what I'm here for. Tell big sis what is happening in this village and where are the residents?" Aoi look around and then saw some people looking inside their house, they were curious as to who they are and at the same time cautious.

"As you can see the people here are afraid to go outside since the goblins have been coming here a lot lately and kidnapping our big sisters and killing our big brothers. Big sister, please help us." The small boy grab the hand that she was using to pat his head and held it with his two little hands.

"Of course leave it to Big sister...."

"Yujiro, I'm Yujiro. What's big sister's name?"

"You can call me Big sis Blaire and this big bro's name is Oaf." Aoi pointed at Oaf who was standing behind her back. Aoi pat Yujiro's hair again, she was addicted to his soft hair.

"Yujiro! Yujiro! Where are you?!" A girl in her teens shouted for the boys name

"Yujiro.... Yujiro there you are!" The girl ran to where they are and grab Yujiro and look at him worriedly "I told you not to go outside!"

"I'm sorry big sis. Look big sis a beautiful big sis and big brother said they'll help us!" Yujiro happily grab Aoi and Oaf's hand as he introduces them to his sister while smiling from ear to ear.

"You... you'll help us? Oh my goodness, finally there is someone who will help us!" She happily shouted. The residents who heard what she had said quickly, like a bunch of ants that had seen food went out of their house and surrounded Aoi and Oaf.

"Really you'll help us?!" A villager said hopefully.

"Are you an Adventurer?" Another villager said as she sized them up.

"I am the Chief of this village. Young lad, were you send here to help us?" An old man supporting himself with a cane said.

When the villagers saw the old man they parted like a wave and gave way to the old man.

"Yes, I am here to help you." Aoi politely said to the old man.

"Are you two an Adventurer?"

"No, we are not. But we are here to help." Aoi replied.

"Even if you two are not an Adventurer we will gladly take the offer. This village has been suffering from the constant attacks of the goblins from the forest. In the past they went here only once a month but once became twice and then twice became thrice until they come here almost every day. Every day they rob and kidnap some of our villagers and we could not do anything since we are weaker than them. Please help us and rescue the people that were kidnapped!" The chief begged his eyes were deeply tainted by pained emotions as he begs for Aoi and Oaf to help them.

"Don't worry. We will do our best to kill all those Goblins and rescue the people that were taken by them." If they were alive. Aoi said in her mind.

The people gathered to send them off to the forest. Aoi look at her minimap and 50 meters from the entrance of the forest she could see many red dots and one big red one, it looks like this was all brcause of the new leader of the Goblins.

'I wonder who their leader is?'

Aoi and Oaf quickly ran to the hide out of the Goblins shown in the map, Aoi could no longer wait to end this mission so she could proceed to her next mission.

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