Tegan ; ro we gotta go
Romeo : yes I'm done lets go
Tegan : thank u

We walk out the door going to school

Tegan : hi
Riley : hey
Tegan : wheres bell
Riley : she is ill
Tegan : fun
Riley : shes chucking her guts up
Tegan : oh lovely
Riley : i know but aleast we won't have her going on about your brother all day
Tegan ; thank the Lord

We both start laughing

Tegan : so what did u do this weekend
Riley ; i did a lot of shopping
Tegan : i need to go shopping
Riley ; well u have me i am always down to go shopping
Tegan ; good to know so what did u buy
Riley : jumpers because like its hella cold and a load of furniture im redoing my room up
Tegan : ah
Riley : i hate redoing my room
Tegan : but aleast when its done its done and you'll have a nice room
Riley : true and you'll be one of the first to see it u and bella are staying ay mine soon
Tegan : yay sleep over
Riley : do u drink
Tegan ; yes i do
Riley: I'll get alcohol
Tegan : i will aswell
Riley : good

The bell then goes so i head to class

Tegan : sup hoenah
Jonah : rude little cooper
Tegan ; u your name is Jonah and your a little hoe

He starts laughing

Jonah ; wow
Tegan : facts
Jonah : just isent tho
Tegan : Jonah Marais roth frantzich is a hoe
Jonah : and u tegan merrel cooper are a miget

I stick my middle finger up

Mr keem : jonah can u sing your song for me
Jonah : yh

Mr keem : why did u choose that
Jonah ; i don't know i just felt like that one
Mr keem : ok Tegan your go
Tegan : can i sing my own song i wrote
Mr keem : go ahead

Mr keem : any reason for that song

I shake my head

Mr keem : ok
Tegan : u were good
Jonah : so were u and singing your own song
Tegan : yh
Jonah : brave
Tegan : yep but i love that song u sang
Jonah : yh its a good one
Tegan : yh
Jonah : sooo
Tegan ; spill i can see theres something u wann say
Jonah ; so Romeo been mentioning about us apprently flirting
Tegan : he needs to shut up
Jonah : yh
Tegan ; just ignore him
Jonah ; what if its true
Tegan : what true
Jonah : the flirting
Tegan : and whos flirting
Jonah : well i have been
Tegan : have u
Jonah : yh
Tegan: ah
Jonah : but u can't deny this u have been flirting with me since the other day
Tegan : maybe a little
Jonah : knew it
Tegan ; shut up
Jonah : so is your flirting just harmless flirting or is flirting showing u like me
Tegan : a bit of both
Jonah : so u like me
Tegan ; do u like me
Jonah : i asked first
Tegan : are we 5
Jonah : yes
Tegan : fair's
Jonah ; so do u
Tegan : do u
Jonah : a little

I nod my head

Jonah : so come do u like me
Tegan :Maybe
Jonah : yes or no
Tegan : yes
Jonah ; so what dose it mean
Tegan : we leave it there
Jonah : but if we just both admited to likeing each other we can't just leave it there
Tegan : and what do u expects gonna happen then because stuff can't happen between us because Romeo
Jonah : but then we can't leave thinking what if we did try
Tegan : Romeo
Jonah : romeo said if things were to happen he woudent be happy but he woudent stop us because he would want us happy

I look at him

Jonah : What if we try not like girlfriend boyfriend but we try being a thing we don't tell romeo for a bit and if thing get more seriouse we tell him
Tegan : i don't wanna lie to him
Jonah : don't think of it as lying if he asks if anything's happening be honest . But if he doesn't ask then we don't tell him for a bit
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so are we done thing
Tegan : were a something then

We both start laughing

Jonah : imagen if romeo goes up to u today and goes whats happening with u and jonah then
Tegan : he probley fucking would tho thats the thing
Jonah : knowing him yh
Tegan : that would be fun
Jonah : yh
Tegan : if hates me for keeping this from him i blame u
Jonah : I'll take the blame
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so tomrrow my parents are out with my sisters do u wanna come over after school and watch happy potter
Tegan ; sure
jonah : good I'm gonna get pop corn aswell
Tegan : it has to be salted pop corn
Jonah : why
Tegan : salted is best
Jonah : its not
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : weirdo
Tegan : i am awear
Jonah : ok salted it is
Tegan : yay
Jonah : be awear i like my cuddles
Tegan : fine with that
Jonah : good cause i will be cuddling u tomrrow
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so now were something i should know weither your a virgin or not
Tegan : im not a virgin but u can't tell romeo that
Jonah : lips are sealed
Tegan : your defantly not a virgin
Jonah ; im not but what makes u think that
Tegan : Romeo spoke about how your not
Jonah : ok
Tegan : but u gotta promise not to tell romeo cause like u know or anyone else cause litrally no one knows
Jonah : its safe with me i promise
Tegan : ok
Jonah : so with us is it just staying between us or we telling anyone apart from romeo
Tegan : i don't know
Jonah : maybe just between us for a bit
Tegan : ok
Tegan : if u don't want to we can tell and say i don't want u to feel like were a secret
Tegan : no lets just keep it quiet for a bit
Jonah : ok
Mr keem : u can all go

Skip rest of the day

Tegan : yo
James : hi
Tegan : i am shatterd today has been like the longest day ever
James : u know i feel that today has been long and has dragged on
Cindy : i think its gone quick
James : luckey for u then
Cindy : yh i am luckey
Tegan : im so tired it feels like it should be like 3am
James ; it dose like today's dragged and it feels like i should be asleep because of how slow todays gone 
Cindy : oh stop complaing wheres romeo
James : oh he messaged me hes with frineds
Cindy : ok
Tegan : oh by the way before i forget im not gonna be home stright away tomrrow I'm going to a friends to watch a movie
James : thanks for letting me now and i know u have homework to do so can u please go do that
Tegan : ugh k

I walk upstairs going to my room and i grab mt laptop and i start doing my homework . And i hated it and it sucked but i got it done

James : right
Tegan : right what
James ; i just got a call from your school
Tegan : what did they want
James : u know the test u done today
Tegan : did they call to say i got none
James : no u got the whole test right
Tegan : oh ok
James : they think u cheated
Tegan : What
James : did u
Tegan : what no
James : u swear
Tegan : i swear i never cheated
James : ok well there gonna make u redo anuther tests tomrrow
Tegan : ok
James : they said if u cheated u would get detention for a month and they said if she didn't cheat u could take all your tests within the next few weeks and graduate early
Tegan : wait what
James : yh
Cindy : james graduated early
Tegan : the test must of just been a fluke im not smart im dump as fuck
Cindy : test says other wise
James : were just see what happens

I give them a weird look and they walk out and i finish my home work and i watch YouTube

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