Jonah : afternoon
Tegan : oh hi
Jonah : hi
Tegan : what u doing here
Jonah ; i stayed the night
Tegan ; oh cool where's everyone
Jonah : out
Tegan : why are u here then
Jonah : because i can be there all at work
Tegan : well thats fun
Jonah : it sounds like it sucks
Tegan : yh it dose
Jonah : why dose it feel like your trying to avoid me
Tegan : why
Jonah : i don't know it feels like that well since last night when romeo mentioned about u hating yourself .mean he said that then u practically ran off and then when we got here u spoke to Cindy for a second and then ran upstairs
Tegan : I'm not avoiding u just avoiding certain conversations
Jonah : and what conversations are thoeses
Tegan : don't worry
Jonah : ok so what did romeo mean by u hating yourself
Tegan : and that's what i was avoiding
Jonah ; kinds gatherd
Tegan : why ask then
Jonah : because i wanna know

I nod my head

Jonah : can u tell me please
Tegan : why
Jonah : because i wanna know plus no judgement
Tegan : u can't tell anyone
Jonah : i won't
Tegan : so at my old school i got bullied the school i went to was awful a lot of the kids got bullied and told but nothing ever got done . And there was this one guy he constantly called me names i ignored them . But he called me fat and ugly and if he thought that about me every other guy must think the same of me . So i started going to the gym i wanted to feel pretty and be skinny like all theses other girls . I went to the gym everyday and i never lost any weight i then over heard this girl say she lost weight by making herself throw up . So i started making myself throw up i lost weight doing that but it weren't enough weight so i skipped meals made myself throw up even when there was nothing to puke up .
Jonah : that must of been struggle trying to make yourself sick
Tegan : yh
Jonah : is there more
Tegan : i comlepty stoped eating i kept going to the gym  and making myself throw up i did this for months . No one really noticed because they were all bussie and one day i went to school and i felt really ill more ill then normal but i ignored carried on with my day . I got to my second class of the day which was gym class and about 5 minutes into playing softball . My heart really started to hurt and i dropped dead
Jonah : what

I nod my head

Tegan : my body coudent handle what i had done i had a heart attack and i dropped dead in the middle of hall in front of my whole class pretty much . But i woke in a hospital really ill
Jonah : i would think really ill look what u done to yourself
Tegan : i know but i was in hospital a few days my doctors then said i needes to get better in rehab and i agreed to it so that day i went into rehab. Without romeo or anyone knowing and i made sure no one could see me or get contact and now I'm here
Jonah : so thats where you've been
Tegan : yes and now u know we leave it there and we never talk about it ok
Jonah : ok just know your prefect the way u are and your beautiful

I nod my head

Tegan : i need a shower I'll be back
Jonah : ok

I go upstairs going to the bathroom tunring on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and i go to my room and i start doing home work and studying because i already have a test coming up .

Jonah : little cooper im bored
Tegan : have u heard of knocking hoenah
Jonah : nope
Tegan : well learn
Jonah : ok i will anyway im bored
Tegan : well thats fun
Jonah : what u doing
Tegan : studying
Jonah : ew boring
Tegan : it really is but i need to catch up I'm so far behind
Jonah : well can u study and watch a movie at the same time
Tegan : i can
Jonah : where we watching
Tegan : to lazy to move so here
Jonah : ok

He sits down and we decided to put harry potter and we watched that and studyed .

Tegan : i haven't watched harry potter in long
Jonah : im gonna make u watch all of them with me
Tegan : im atchally down for that
Jonah : u free next weakened we can start friday
Tegan : im meeting old frineds next weekend
Jonah ; ugh u suck
Tegan : I'm sorry what about the weekend after
Jonah : thats to far away
Tegan : deal with it
Jonah : fine in 2 weeks were watch them
Tegan : good
Romeo : yo thought i heard u
Jonah : hey
Romeo : whats going om here
Jonah : watched a movie while she studyed
Romeo : oh
Tegan : studying sucks
Romeo : yh well if u don't study you'll end up like me having to retake the year again
Tegan : that an't happening
Romeo : then keep studying
Tegan : i will anyway how was work
Romeo : yh good
Jonah : did u get any free pizza
Romeo : no i got nothing today
Jonah : damn
Romeo : sorry bro
Tegan ; i am hungry tho
Romeo : go cook then
Tegan : i will all of u out

We walk out my room and i head down stairs and i make pasta and Chicken for u all and we all ate

Cindy : right me and james have fot plans tonight we are off
Romeo : see ya
James : Bye

They go

Tegan : where they going
Romeo : every Sunday they go out apart from last week

I nod my head

Jonah : better social lifes then all of us
Romeo : yh they do
Tegan : but being unsociable is fun aswell
Romeo : sado
Tegan : bitch i know
Romeo : so what we doing
Tegan : i wanna sleep
Jonah : don't be boring
Romeo : nah but i do aswell I've been up since 6 im shatterd and its frezzing but im not gonna be boring
Jonah : Good
Romeo : spend more time together
Jonah : love u
Romeo : u too
Tegan ; i ship
Romeo : I'm loved your not
Tegan : i know
Jonah : harsh
Romeo : its all jokes love u sis
Tegan : yh
Jonah : say it back
Tegan : nah
Jonah : come on
Tegan : you'll have to make me
Jonah : i will
Romeo : stop flirting

I slap him

Jonah : stop all he did last night was say u need to stop flirting with my sister
Romeo : u are
Jonah : not u should know by now when i flirt
Romeo : oh what ever
Tegan : u need new eyes
Romeo : nah u just gonna control hormones

I shake my head

Tegan : i will kill u
Romeo : u won't tho
Tegan : shut up
Jonah : come on now get along u weirdos 
Romeo : your the weirdo
Jonah : i know but so are u we all fucking are every one is weirdo in a way
Tegan : i agree no person is normal because normal doesn't exsist
Romeo : your both fucking weirdos shut up
Jonah : so are u
Tegan : right lets all just shut up
Romeo : fine
Jonah : ok why is it atchally so cold
Romeo : i don't know
Tegan : Maybe because were going into winter dump asses
Jonah : shut up
Romeo : well i know that
Tegan : why u being stupid then
Romeo : I'm not
Tegan : meh
Romeo : blah
Jonah : Jesus
Tegan : right im heading to bed
Romeo : night
Tegan : bye

I get up going upstairs and i go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in bed

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