Four: Deadly Basement

Start from the beginning

Buffy quirked a brow at him.

"Take the damn jacket and stop chattering your teeth," Derek grumbled, "And tell me about being the slayer."

"Rude. Well, it's mostly physical enhancements on what normal humans to do rather than abilities. While we are physically stronger than most, training is mostly what gives us the advantage," Buffy told him as she slipped her arms through the jacket. It was bigger than her, but that was to be expected seeing as she was pretty small. "We have increased physical strength but you already knew that."

Buffy sent Derek a cheeky smile, who rolled his eyes in response.

"We're very fast and have very good reflexes. One time I caught crowbar before it hit one of my old watchers. It only gave me a small wound but it was fine," Buffy spoke with a small frown, "Um, we are pretty much just as fast as werewolves. Maybe even faster, depending on the werewolf."

Derek hummed as they made their way through the site. Buffy looked at him, seeing that he was intrigued by what she was saying. She looked at the ground, nodding her head.

"Uh, good agility. I'm very good at jumping. I could jump over you if I wanted. I don't really know what my limit is but its pretty big," Buffy continued, "I'm very durable. I don't bruise easily. I can last a while in a fight. I once got hit by a moving car and just walked off, since it didn't hurt that much."

Derek snorted.

"I don't really know what else. We can recover from severe injuries in short periods of time, great stamina, heightened senses and some weird dreams sometimes. Hospitals love me," Buffy said before snorting, "We're basically the human version of a werewolf. Just we kill them."


"The past slayers. Only one in every generation. The next one will come when I die," Buffy answered slowly, "Another girl will be forced to change her whole life for these people."

Derek went to say something but the sound of a gunshot stopped them. They shared a look before breaking out into a run, trying to get some visual on who it was.

"Stop!" Buffy hissed, seeing some blood on the floor. Derek stopped as well, putting his fingers in it. He looked around slowly until Buffy hit his shoulder, pointing to were it was.

The alpha scaled the building next to the site, growling at them. Derek and Buffy broke into a sprint, jumping over obstacles that stopped them. The two climbed a building, ending up on top of a roof. Derek stopped, looking for the alpha. Buffy caught sight of it running across a platform by the power lines.

Buffy took her crossbow, aiming it at the alpha. She began to shoot, managing to hit him but it wasn't enough to slow him down. Derek and Buffy shared a look before attempting to make a leap towards where the alpha was heading.

It was fine until there was a shotgun, Derek getting hit and faltering Buffy in her jump. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and flipped over so she would be the one taking the impact of the fall.

It wasn't too big of a fall, but they managed to roll off the side and land even lower on the ground. Buffy groaned slightly, the entire fall being pretty painful as she took all the impact. She looked up, sighing as they successfully lost sight of the alpha. Buffy was pretty sure she knew who's fault it was as well.

Buffy's eyes then lowered to look Derek, who was staring down at her. The two were breathing heavy and in the moment, Buffy noticed that Derek was actually really nice to look at. Without thinking, she glanced down at his lips, unaware that he had done just the same thing.

She blinked as he quickly rolled off of her, the girl sitting up as she ignored her flushed cheeks and the fact that she had thought about kissing him just moments before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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