Current Characters and Recap

Start from the beginning

Age: 15
Daughter of the Duke in Zuterra

Attributes: Lava (Uncommon), Darkness (Rare) and Void (Legendary)

Intuitive, Cautious, Responsible, Pratical

Crown Prince of Sesta

Attributes: Wind (Common), Nature (Legendary) , Darkness (Rare)

Age: 16
Playful, two faced, easy going, loyal

Crown Prince of Dirus
Age: 16

Lighting (Rare), Metal (Rare), Fire (Common)

Intelligent, open minded, shrewd, overcritical


Crown Prince of Ruirin
Age: 16

Attributes: Creation (Legendary) and Water (Common)

Analytical, cunning, protective, sociable

Crown Prince of Iduzia
Age: 16

Attributes: Magic (Legendary)

Quick-witted, adaptable, creative, worrier


Age: 15
Commoner of Zuterra

Kind, Clumsy, Naive, Warm hearted

Attributes: Light (Rare)

Please be aware that this are not the only characters, there will be more characters to come in the future! And more attributes that Kari will discover. There is also different dimensions! The things that Kari will discover is not featured in the otome game. E detHehe, just I have alot of ideas for this stories. But I still haven't plan out the whole story yet unfortunately. But it's okay! I will make it up as I go along the way.

I am currently working on Chapter 16 to Chapter 20. It might take a while. Sorry for that! But I already finish chapter 16, so 3 more chapters to go! Have a good day.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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